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Academic Transformation The Road to College Success

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 3rd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2014-01-02
  • Publisher: Pearson

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Looking to rent a book? Rent Academic Transformation The Road to College Success [ISBN: 9780321885722] for the semester, quarter, and short term or search our site for other textbooks by Sellers, De, Ph.D.; Dochen, Carol W., Ph.D.; Hodges, Russ B, Ed.D.. Renting a textbook can save you up to 90% from the cost of buying.


For courses in Learning Frameworks (such as Applied Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology), Effective Learning, Learning to Learn, and Student Success.

Academic Transformation uses the latest neurobiological research to help students master both cognitive and self-regulation skills for college success. Its narrative tone and eye-catching design provide powerful lessons on learning, academic performance, willpower, motivation, procrastination, time management, stress management, and behavior redirection — all while giving readers a solid understanding of why certain strategies lead to goal achievement.

This program provides:

  • Autonomous Learning: The current college population, often called the iGeneration, needs this proven path to become autonomous learners and to successfully navigate the academic and work world.
  • Research-Based: Incorporates the latest research from neurobiology related to cognition and self-regulation, thus deepening student knowledge of how to become an autonomous learner.
  • Study Aids: Various enhancements offer students a better learning experience.
  • Application to Other Academic Courses: From learning objectives and self-assessments to summaries, key terms, and critical thinking exercises utilizing journal questions, students have the opportunity to apply what they are learning so that each knowledge/skill set will generalize to their other academic courses.

Author Biography

Dr. De Sellers began one of the earliest cognitive-based learning framework courses for American college students in 1973 at Texas State University, incorporating both emerging theory and research-based practice from numerous academic disciplines.  Although carrying administrative duties, including Dean of General Studies and Director of the Student Learning Assistance Center, she continued to teach the course for 25 years.  She holds both an M.A. and Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction, with a focus on adult learners, from the University of Texas at Austin.  Currently she is president of Cerridwen, Inc., a counseling and educational consulting firm, and is a Licensed Professional Counselor with a specialty in pastoral counseling.    


Dr. Carol W. Dochen directs the Student Learning Assistance Center at Texas State University. In addition to her administrative duties, she has taught both the University’s learning framework course and first-year seminar course for more than 25 years. She is actively involved in state and national developmental education organizations and was a founding member of the annual statewide College Academic Support Programs (CASP) conference and the Texas Association for Developmental Education (TADE), of which she is a past president. She holds an M.Ed. in School Psychology from Texas State University and a Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration, with a minor in Educational Psychology, from the University of Texas at Austin.


Dr. Russ Hodges is an associate professor in the College of Education at Texas State University where he co-created and now teaches graduate courses in the new doctoral, master’s, and certificate programs in developmental education. Russ also coordinates the University’s learning framework course. Russ is currently serving his third term as chair of the Council of Learning Assistance and Developmental Education Associations (CLADEA). He is a past president and treasurer of the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA). Russ also serves on the editorial boards for the Journal of Developmental Education and the Journal of College Reading and Learning. He holds a M.Ed. in Counseling from the University of Louisiana Monroe and an Ed.D. in Developmental Education from Grambling State University.

Table of Contents

Packing the Essentials

Toothbrush? Check! Backpack? Check! Commitment? Check!


Chapter 1 The Road to Autonomous Learning

I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m making good time.


Chapter 2 Thinking and Intellectual Performance

I think, ergo I learn.


Chapter 3 Learning in Class

But I slept through class in high school.


Chapter 4 Learning Outside Class

Outside of class?!? The brochure didn’t say anything about this.


Chapter 5 The Brain, The Mind, and Academics

My, what big dendrites you have.


Chapter 6 Preparing for Performance

Lights, cameras, action!


Chapter 7 Establishing Direction in Your Life

Is there an app for that?


Chapter 8 Willpower

I know I can, I know I can.


Chapter 9 Making Effective Choices

To party or not to party: That is the question.


Chapter 10 Managing Stress and Anxiety in the 21st Century

AAUUUGH *%^$#&!@ (I feel much better now).


Chapter 11 Patterns in Human Development

All these people are like me?


Chapter 12 Individuality

I’ve just gotta be me.






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