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Achieving TABE Success In Reading, Level D Workbook

by Unknown
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2005-04-27
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

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TheAchieving TABE Successfamily is designed to provide complete skill preparation and practice for TABE 9&10, encompassing Reading, Mathematics and Language, for levels E, M, D and A. This series of books will help students achieve NRA gain through targeted instruction that specifically addresses TABE 9&10 skills. Achieving TABE Success ...workbookscontain the following features: TABE 9&10 Correlation Charts Each text contains a TABE 9&10 Correlation Chart that links each question to targeted skill lessons, enabling instructors and students to build a personalized study plan based on skill level strengths and weaknesses. Pre-tests and Post-tests Each workbook begins with a pre-test and a skills correlation chart to help diagnose strengths and weaknesses and determine TABE readiness. The format of each pre- and post-test matches that of the actual TABE test. Targeted TABE Skill Lessons Each lesson specifically targets a TABE skill. Students work with the innovative lesson format that provides step-by-step instruction to help insure success. The Mathematics lessons offer plenty of instruction and practice to help master each TABE skill. In the Reading and Language workbooks, the lessons are divided into four parts for a graduated approach to learning: Introduceclearly defines, explains, and illustrates the skill, and includes examples. Practicepresents work related to the skill just introduced. Applyreinforces the skill through activities and exercises. Check Upevaluates student comprehension. Unit Reviews and Math Glossary Unit reviews are divided into two parts: Review, which summarizes unit content, and Assessment, to determine student understanding. Mathematics texts contain a Glossary of Common Terms to help students with the language of math. Achieving TABE Success in Reading ...Readersare coordinated with their respective Reading workbooks, to strengthen skills by applying examples and questions that are pertinent to the skill covered in the workbook. Text/TABE Level Content Level Level E 2.0 - 3.9 Level M 4.0 - 5.9 Level D 6.0 - 8.9 Level A 9.0 - 12.9

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