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Algebraic Theory of Numbers Translated from the French by Allan J. Silberger

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2008-05-19
  • Publisher: Dover Publications

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Algebraic number theory introduces students to new algebraic notions as well as related concepts: groups, rings, fields, ideals, quotient rings, and quotient fields. This text covers the basics, from divisibility theory in principal ideal domains to the unit theorem, finiteness of the class number, and Hilbert ramification theory. 1970 edition.

Table of Contents

Translator's Introductionp. 7
Introductionp. 9
Notations, Definitions, and Prerequisitesp. 11
Principal ideal ringsp. 13
Divisibility in principal ideal ringsp. 13
An example: the diophantine equations X[superscript 2] + Y[superscript 2] = Z[superscript 2] and X[superscript 4] + Y[superscript 4] = Z[superscript 4]p. 15
Some lemmas concerning ideals; Euler's [characters not reproducible]-functionp. 17
Some preliminaries concerning modulesp. 19
Modules over principal ideal ringsp. 21
Roots of unity in a fieldp. 23
Finite fieldsp. 23
Elements integral over a ring; elements algebraic over a fieldp. 27
Elements integral over a ringp. 27
Integrally closed ringsp. 30
Elements algebraic over a field. Algebraic extensionsp. 30
Conjugate elements, conjugate fieldsp. 32
Integers in quadratic fieldsp. 34
Norms and tracesp. 36
The discriminantp. 38
The terminology of number fieldsp. 41
Cyclotomic fieldsp. 42
The field of complex numbers is algebraically closedp. 44
Noetherian rings and Dedekind ringsp. 46
Noetherian rings and modulesp. 46
An application concerning integral elementsp. 47
Some preliminaries concerning idealsp. 47
Dedekind ringsp. 49
The norm of an idealp. 52
Ideal classes and the unit theoremp. 53
Preliminaries concerning discrete subgroups of R[superscript n]p. 53
The canonical imbedding of a number fieldp. 56
Finiteness of the ideal class groupp. 57
The unit theoremp. 59
Units in imaginary quadratic fieldsp. 62
Units in real quadratic fieldsp. 62
A generalization of the unit theoremp. 64
The calculation of a volumep. 66
The splitting of prime ideals in an extension fieldp. 68
Preliminaries concerning rings of fractionsp. 68
The splitting of a prime ideal in an extensionp. 70
The discriminant and ramificationp. 73
The splitting of a prime number in a quadratic fieldp. 76
The quadratic reciprocity lawp. 77
The two-squares theoremp. 81
The four-squares theoremp. 82
Galois extensions of number fieldsp. 86
Galois theoryp. 86
The decomposition and inertia groupsp. 89
The number field case. The Frobenius automorphismp. 91
An application to cyclotomic fieldsp. 92
Another proof of the quadratic reciprocity lawp. 92
A Supplement, Without Proofsp. 94
Exercisesp. 97
Bibliographyp. 106
Indexp. 108
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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