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America's History: Concise Edition, Volume 1

by ; ; ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 10th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2020-10-15
  • Publisher: Bedford/St. Martin's

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Looking to rent a book? Rent America's History: Concise Edition, Volume 1 [ISBN: 9781319275884] for the semester, quarter, and short term or search our site for other textbooks by Edwards, Rebecca; Hinderaker, Eric; Self, Robert O.; Henretta, James A.. Renting a textbook can save you up to 90% from the cost of buying.


America’s History explains WHY events occurred, not just when. Students are provided an analytical and big-picture approach to American history with a plethora of support tools.

Table of Contents

PART 1 Transformations of North America, 1491–1700

CHAPTER 1 Colliding Worlds, 1491–1600

Why did contact among Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans cause such momentous changes?

The Native American Experience

The First Americans

American Empires

Chiefdoms and Confederacies

Patterns of Trade

Sacred Power

Western Europe: The Edge of the Old World

Hierarchy and Authority

Peasant Society

Expanding Trade Networks

Myths, Religions, and Holy Warriors

West and Central Africa: Origins of the Atlantic Slave Trade

Empires, Kingdoms, and Ministates

Trans-Saharan and Coastal Trade

The Spirit World

Exploration and Conquest

Portuguese Expansion

The African Slave Trade

Sixteenth-Century Incursions



America in the World Altered Landscapes

Thinking Like a Historian Colliding Cultures

CHAPTER 2 American Experiments, 1521–1700

Why did the American colonies develop the social, political, and economic institutions they did, and why were some colonial experiments more successful than others?

Spain’s Tribute Colonies

A New American World

The Columbian Exchange

The Protestant Challenge to Spain

Plantation Colonies

Brazil’s Sugar Plantations

England’s Chesapeake Colonies

The Laboratory of the Caribbean

Plantation Life

Neo-European Colonies

New France

New Netherland

The Rise of the Iroquois

New England

War and Rebellion in North America

Metacom’s War, 1675-1676

The Pueblo Revolt

Bacon’s Rebellion



Thinking Like a Historian Who Was Pocahontas?

Comparing Interpretations What Role Did Climate and Ecology Play in American Colonization?

PART 2 British North America and the Atlantic World, 1607–1763

CHAPTER 3 The British Atlantic World, 1607–1750

Why and how did the South Atlantic System reshape the economy, society, and culture of British North America?

Colonies to Empire, 1607–1713

Self-Governing Colonies and New Elites, 1607–1660

The Restoration Colonies and Imperial Expansion

From Mercantilism to Imperial Dominion

The Glorious Revolution in England and America

Imperial Wars and Native Peoples


Indian Goals

The Imperial Slave Economy

The South Atlantic System

Africa, Africans, and the Slave Trade

Slavery in the Chesapeake and South Carolina

An African American Community Emerges

The Rise of the Southern Gentry

The Northern Maritime Economy

The Urban Economy

Urban Society

The New Politics of Empire, 1713–1750

The Rise of Colonial Assemblies

Salutary Neglect

Protecting the Mercantile System

Mercantilism and the American Colonies



America in the World Olaudah Equiano: The Brutal "Middle Passage"

Thinking Like a Historian Servitude and Slavery

CHAPTER 4 Growth, Diversity, and Conflict, 1720–1763

Why did transatlantic travel and communication reshape Britain’s American colonies so dramatically?

New England’s Freehold Society

Farm Families: Women in the Household Economy

Farm Property: Inheritance

Freehold Society in Crisis

Diversity in the Middle Colonies

Economic Growth, Opportunity, and Conflict

Cultural Diversity

Religion and Politics

Cultural Transformations

Transportation and the Print Revolution

The Enlightenment in America

American Pietism and the Great Awakening

Religious Upheaval in the North

Social and Religious Conflict in the South

The Midcentury Challenge: War, Trade, and Social Conflict, 1750–1763

The French and Indian War

The Great War for Empire

British Industrial Growth and the Consumer Revolution

The Struggle for Land in the East

Western Rebels and Regulators



Thinking Like a Historian Women’s Labor

America in the World Transatlantic Migration, 1500–1760

PART 3 Revolution and Republican Culture, 1754–1800

CHAPTER 5 The Problem of Empire, 1754–1776

Why did the imperial crisis lead to war between Britain and the United States?

An Empire Transformed

The Costs of Empire

George Grenville and the Reform Impulse

An Open Challenge: The Stamp Act

The Dynamics of Rebellion, 1765–1770

Formal Protests and the Politics of the Crowd

The Ideological Roots of Resistance

Another Kind of Freedom

Parliament and Patriots Square Off Again

The Problem of the West

Parliament Wavers

The Road to Independence, 1771–1776

A Compromise Repudiated

The Continental Congress Responds

The Rising of the Countryside

Loyalists and Neutrals

Violence East and West

Lord Dunmore’s War

Armed Resistance in Massachusetts

The Second Continental Congress Organizes for War

Thomas Paine’s Common Sense

Independence Declared



Thinking Like a Historian Beyond the Proclamation Line

Comparing Interpretations Did British Administrators Try to Protect or Exploit Native Americans?

CHAPTER 6 Making War and Republican Governments, 1776–1789

Why did the American independence movement succeed, and what changes did it initiate in American society and government?

The Trials of War, 1776–1778

War in the North

Armies and Strategies

Victory at Saratoga

The Perils of War

Financial Crisis

Valley Forge

The Path to Victory, 1778–1783

The French Alliance

War in the South

The Patriot Advantage

Diplomatic Triumph

Creating Republican Institutions, 1776–1787

The State Constitutions: How Much Democracy?

Women Seek a Public Voice

The War’s Losers: Loyalists, Native Americans, and Slaves

The Articles of Confederation

Shays’s Rebellion

The Constitution of 1787

The Rise of a Nationalist Faction

The Philadelphia Convention

The People Debate Ratification



Thinking Like a Historian The Black Soldier’s Dilemma

Comparing Interpretations What did the Framers Intend When They Drafted The Constitution?

CHAPTER 7 Hammering Out a Federal Republic, 1787–1820

Why did the United States survive the challenges of the first three decades to become a viable, growing, independent republic?

The Political Crisis of the 1790s

The Federalists Implement the Constitution

Hamilton’s Financial Program

Jefferson’s Agrarian Vision

The French Revolution Divides Americans

The Rise of Political Parties

A Republican Empire Is Born

Sham Treaties and Indian Lands

Migration and the Changing Farm Economy

The Jefferson Presidency

Jefferson and the West

The War of 1812 and the Transformation of Politics

Conflict in the Atlantic and the West

The War of 1812

The Federalist Legacy



Thinking Like a Historian The Social Life of Alcohol

America in the World The Haitian Revolution and the Problem of Race

PART 4 Overlapping Revolutions, 1800–1848

CHAPTER 8 Economic Transformations, 1800–1848

Why and how did the economic transformations of the first half of the nineteenth century reshape northern and southern society and culture?

Foundations of a New Economic Order

Credit and Banking

Transportation and the Market Revolution

The Cotton Complex: Northern Industry and Southern Agriculture

The American Industrial Revolution

Origins of the Cotton South

The Cotton Boom and Slavery

Technological Innovation and Labor

The Spread of Innovation

Wageworkers and the Labor Movement

The Growth of Cities and Towns

New Social Classes and Cultures

Inequality in the South

The Northern Business Elite

The Middle Class

Urban Workers and the Poor



Thinking Like a Historian The Entrepreneur and the Community

Comparing Interpretations Did the Market Revolution Expand Opportunities for Women?

CHAPTER 9 A Democratic Revolution, 1800–1848

Why did Andrew Jackson’s election mark a turning point in American politics?

The Rise of Popular Politics

The Decline of the Notables and the Rise of Parties

Racial Exclusion and Republican Motherhood

The Missouri Crisis, 1819–1821

The Election of 1824

The Last Notable President: John Quincy Adams

"The Democracy" and the Election of 1828

Jackson in Power, 1829–1837

Jackson’s Agenda: Rotation and Decentralization

The Tariff and Nullification

The Bank War

Indian Removal

Jackson’s Impact

Class, Culture, and the Second Party System

The Whig Worldview

Labor Politics and the Depression of 1837–1843

"Tippecanoe and Tyler Too!"



COMPARING INTERPRETATIONS Was Indian Removal Humanitarian or Racist?

Thinking Like a Historian Becoming Literate: Public Education and Democracy

CHAPTER 10 Religion, Reform, and Culture, 1820–1848

Why did new intellectual, religious, and social movements emerge in the early nineteenth century, and how did they change American society?

Spiritual Awakenings

The Second Great Awakening and Reform


Utopian Communities and New Religious Movements

Urban Cultures and Conflicts

Sex in the City

Urban Entertainments

Popular Fiction and the Penny Press

African Americans and the Struggle for Freedom

Free Black Communities, South and North

The Rise of Abolitionism

The Women’s Rights Movement

Origins of the Women’s Rights Movement

From Antislavery to Women’s Rights



Thinking Like a Historian Dance and Social Identity in Antebellum America

America in the World Women’s Rights in France and the United States, 1851

CHAPTER 11 Imperial Ambitions, 1820–1848

Why did the ideology of Manifest Destiny unite Americans and shape United States politics?

The Expanding South

Planters, Small Freeholders, and Poor Freemen

The Settlement of Texas

The Politics of Democracy

The World of Enslaved African Americans

Forging Families and Communities

Working Lives

Contesting the Boundaries of Slavery

Manifest Destiny, North and South

The Push to the Pacific

The Plains Indians

The Fateful Election of 1844

The U.S.-Mexico War, 1846–1848

The Mexican North

Polk’s Expansionist Program

American Military Successes



Thinking Like a Historian Claiming the Oregon Country

America in the World Financing War

PART 5 Consolidating a Continental Union, 1844–1877

CHAPTER 12 Sectional Conflict and Crisis, 1844–1861

Why did the new Republican Party arise, and what events led to Democratic division and southern secession?

Consequences of the U.S.-Mexico War, 1844–1850

"Free Soil" in Politics

California Gold and Racial Warfare

1850: Crisis and Compromise

An Emerging Political Crisis, 1850–1858

The Abolitionist Movement Grows

Pierce and Expansion

Immigrants and Know-Nothings

The West and the Fate of the Union

Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Triumph, 1858–1860

Lincoln’s Political Career

The Union Under Siege

The Election of 1860

Secession Winter, 1860–1861



Comparing Interpretations Did Slavery Have a Future in the West?

Thinking Like a Historian The Irish in America

CHAPTER 13 Bloody Ground: The Civil War, 1861–1865

Why and how did the Union win the Civil War?

War Begins, 1861–1862

Early Expectations

Campaigns East and West

Antietam and Its Consequences

Toward "Hard War," 1863

Politics North and South

The Impact of Emancipation

Citizens and the Work of War

Vicksburg and Gettysburg

The Road to Union Victory, 1864–1865

Grant and Sherman Take Command

The Election of 1864 and Sherman’s March

The Confederacy Collapses

The World the War Made



Comparing Interpretations How Divided Was the Confederate Public?

Thinking Like a Historian Military Deaths?—?and Lives Saved?—?During the Civil War

CHAPTER 14 Reconstruction, 1865–1877

Why did freedpeople, Republican policymakers, and ex-Confederates all end up dissatisfied with Reconstruction or with its aftermath? To what degree did each group succeed in fulfilling its goals?

The Struggle for National Reconstruction

Presidential Approaches: From Lincoln to Johnson

Congress Versus the President

Radical Reconstruction

Women’s Rights Denied

The Meaning of Freedom

The Quest for Land

Republican Governments in the South

Building Black Communities

The Undoing of Reconstruction

The Republicans Unravel

Counterrevolution in the South

Reconstruction Rolled Back

The Political Crisis of 1877

Lasting Legacies



America in the World Labor Laws After Emancipation: Haiti and the United States

Thinking Like a Historian The South’s "Lost Cause"

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