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Ancient Philosophy A New History of Western Philosophy, Volume I

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2007-01-08
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press
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Sir Anthony Kenny here tells the fascinating story of the birth of philosophy and its remarkable flourishing in the ancient Mediterranean world. This is the initial volume of a four-book set in which Kenny will unfold a magisterial new history of Western philosophy, the first major single-author history of philosophy to appear in decades. Ancient Philosophyspans over a thousand years and brings to life the great minds of the past, from Thales, Pythagoras, and Parmenides, to Socrates, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, and Augustine. The book's great virtue is that it is written by one of the world's leading authorities on the subject. Instead of an uncritical, straightforward recitation of known facts--Plato and his cave of shadows, Aristotle's ethics, Augustine's City of God--we see the major philosophers through the eyes of a man who has spent a lifetime contemplating their work. Thus we do not simply get an overview of Aristotle, for example, but a penetrating and insightful critique of his thought. Kenny offers an illuminating account of the various schools of thought, from the Pre-Socratics to the Epicureans. He examines the development of logic and reason, ancient ideas about physics ("how things happen"), metaphysics and ethics, and the earliest thinking about the soul and god. Vividly written, but serious and deep enough to offer a genuine understanding of the great philosophers, Kenny's lucid and stimulating history will become the definitive work for anyone interested in the people and ideas that shaped the course of Western thought.

Author Biography

Sir Anthony Kenny is one of Britain's most distinguished academic figures. He has been Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford, Master of Balliol College, Chairman of the Board of the British Library, and President of the British Academy. He has published more than forty books on philosophy and history.

Table of Contents

Mapp. x
Introductionp. xi
Beginnings: From Pythagoras to Platop. 1
The Four Causesp. 1
The Milesiansp. 4
The Pythagoreansp. 9
Xenophanesp. 11
Heraclitusp. 12
Parmenides and the Eleaticsp. 17
Empedoclesp. 20
Anaxagorasp. 24
The Atomistsp. 26
The Sophistsp. 28
Socratesp. 32
The Socrates of Xenophonp. 35
The Socrates of Platop. 37
Socrates' Own Philosophyp. 41
From Socrates to Platop. 45
The Theory of Ideasp. 49
Plato's Republicp. 56
The Laws and the Timaeusp. 60
Schools of Thought: From Aristotle to Augustinep. 65
Aristotle in the Academyp. 65
Aristotle the Biologistp. 69
The Lyceum and its Curriculump. 73
Aristotle on Rhetoric and Poetryp. 75
Aristotle's Ethical Treatisesp. 79
Aristotle's Political Theoryp. 82
Aristotle's Cosmologyp. 87
The Legacy of Aristotle and Platop. 89
Aristotle's Schoolp. 91
Epicurusp. 94
Stoicismp. 96
Scepticism in the Academyp. 100
Lucretiusp. 101
Cicerop. 103
Judaism and Christianityp. 104
The Imperial Stoap. 106
Early Christian Philosophyp. 109
The Revival of Platonism and Aristotelianismp. 111
Plotinus and Augustinep. 112
How to Argue: Logicp. 116
Aristotle's Syllogisticp. 117
The de Interpretatione and the Categoriesp. 123
Aristotle on Time and Modalityp. 129
Stoic Logicp. 136
Knowledge and its Limits: Epistemologyp. 145
Presocratic Epistemologyp. 145
Socrates, Knowledge, and Ignorancep. 148
Knowledge in the Theaetetusp. 152
Knowledge and Ideasp. 156
Aristotle on Science and Illusionp. 161
Epicurean Epistemologyp. 166
Stoic Epistemologyp. 169
Academic Scepticismp. 173
Pyrrhonian Scepticismp. 175
How Things Happen: Physicsp. 178
The Continuump. 178
Aristotle on Placep. 182
Aristotle on Motionp. 184
Aristotle on Timep. 186
Aristotle on Causation and Changep. 189
The Stoics on Causalityp. 192
Causation and Determinismp. 194
Determinism and Freedomp. 196
What There Is: Metaphysicsp. 199
Parmenides' Ontologyp. 200
Plato's Ideas and their Troublesp. 205
Aristotelian Formsp. 216
Essence and Quiddityp. 218
Being and Existencep. 223
Soul and Mindp. 229
Pythagoras' Metempsychosisp. 229
Perception and Thoughtp. 232
Immortality in Plato's Phaedop. 234
The Anatomy of the Soulp. 237
Plato on Sense-Perceptionp. 240
Aristotle's Philosophical Psychologyp. 241
Hellenistic Philosophy of Mindp. 248
Will, Mind, and Soul in Late Antiquityp. 251
How to Live: Ethicsp. 257
Democritus the Moralistp. 257
Socrates on Virtuep. 260
Plato on Justice and Pleasurep. 264
Aristotle on Eudaimoniap. 266
Aristotle on Moral and Intellectual Virtuep. 269
Pleasure and Happinessp. 274
The Hedonism of Epicurusp. 277
Stoic Ethicsp. 280
Godp. 289
Xenophanes' Natural Theologyp. 289
Socrates and Plato on Pietyp. 290
Plato's Evolving Theologyp. 293
Aristotle's Unmoved Moversp. 296
The Gods of Epicurus and the Stoicsp. 302
On Divination and Astrologyp. 308
The Trinity of Plotinusp. 311
Chronologyp. 317
List of Abbreviations and Conventionsp. 319
Bibliographyp. 323
List of Illustrationsp. 331
Indexp. 335
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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