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Animal Clinical Chemistry: A Practical Handbook for Toxicologists and Biomedical Researchers, Second Edition

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2009-04-01
  • Publisher: CRC Press

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Supplemental Materials

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Assembling information widely dispersed throughout the literature, the second edition of this work focuses on information of relevance to experimental toxicology as separate from human medicine. It presents background information on the selection and application of biochemical tests in safety assessment studies. In addition to chapters which discuss the assessment of toxicity in specific organs, such as the liver, kidney and thyroid, the book also covers pre-analytical variables, regulatory requirements, and statistical approaches, while highlighting some of the major differences between humans and various laboratory animals.  The editor and contributors are members of the Animal Clinical Chemistry Association, a group formed to advance the science of animal clinical chemistry in safety evaluation, toxicology, and veterinary science.

Supplemental Materials

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