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Animal Messengers

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2015-05-29
  • Publisher: Bear & Co

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An animal-by-animal guide that reveals the meaning behind each encounter we have with animals

• Provides sophisticated psychological insight into encounters with more than 150 animals, birds, reptiles, insects, and aquatic life

• Explores how animals reflect our inner world, drawing our attention to inner turmoil, relationship issues, spiritual growth, and the deepest needs of the soul

• Explains how the meaning of each encounter depends on whether the animal was hunting, fleeing, hiding, or acting indifferent when sighted

We each feel connections to animals in our own way. Some of us have pets. Others admire animals in the wild. Because the outer world often reflects our internal states and animals are highly sensitive to our energies, each encounter with an animal signals something about our inner world and innermost concerns. The spontaneous, surprising contacts are the telling ones: a sparrow landing next to you, a fox darting across the road, or a bee alighting on your hand. However, even regular encounters with our pets can draw attention to our inner world and what needs to be thought over and grappled with, from psychic turmoil and relationship issues to spiritual growth and the deepest needs of the soul.

Providing sophisticated psychological insight into encounters with more than 150 animals, birds, reptiles, insects, and aquatic life, Regula Meyer explores the messages each animal provides for us on a personal level when we encounter them. She explains how the meaning of each encounter depends on whether the animal was hunting, fleeing, hiding, or acting indifferent when sighted. For example, a fleeing animal is prompting you to pursue a subject consciously, while a hiding animal tells you to patiently observe something and draw insights from it.

The author shows how animal encounters in the wild cause us to contemplate the present moment and inspire the flow of our perceptions, leading us to meditate on important concerns we may be ignoring or unaware of. Pets and other animals we see every day act as intensifiers of the energy for which they stand.

With this animal-by-animal guide, you can discover the deep meaning behind your encounters with animals and the messages they bring as oracles of our souls.

Author Biography

Regula Meyer is a spiritual channeler with a deep connection to animals. She teaches workshops in Switzerland on guided meditation, the Medicine Wheel, life’s spiritual purpose, and power animals. She offers individual life-coaching and spiritual guidance consultations. She lives in Sevelen, Switzerland.

Table of Contents


How to Use This Book

Introduction: Your Inner and Outer World

Pa rt I


1    Badger
2    Bat
3    Bear, Brown Bear
4    Beaver
5    Cat
6    Cow
7    Deer
8    Dog
9    Dolphin
10    Donkey
11    Fox, Red Fox
12    Goat
13    Hamster
14    Hare 
15    Horse
16    Lynx
17    Marmot
18    Mole
19    Moose
20    Mouse
21    Muskrat
22    Otter
23    Pig, Wild Pig
24    Rabbit
25    Raccoon
26    Rat
27    Seal
28    Sheep, Mouflon
29    Shrew
30    Squirrel
31    Vole, Field Mouse
32    Weasel, Stoat
32    Wolf
34    Wolverine

Pa rt I I


1    Bittern
2    Blackbird
   Black Grouse
4    Bullfinch
5    Buzzard
6    Chicken
7    Cormorant
8    Crane
9    Crow
10    Cuckoo
11    Dove
12    Duck, Diving
13    Duck, Mallard
14    Eagle
15    Falcon, Kestrel
16    Finch, Chaffinch
17    Goose
18    Goshawk
19    Grebe, Great Crested
20    Grosbeak
21    Grouse, Hazel
22    Gull
23    Heron, Gray
24    Jaybird
25    Kingfisher
26    Kite
27    Lark
28    Linnet
29    Magpie
30    Merganser, Smew
31    Nightingale
32    Nuthatch
33    Oriole, Old World
34    Owl
35    Oystercatcher
36    Partridge
37    Peacock
38    Peewit
39    Pheasant
40    Puffin
41    Quail
42    Raven
43    Robin
44    Siskin, Redpoll
45    Sparrow
46    Sparrow Hawk
47    Spoonbill
48    Starling
49    Stork
50    Swallow
51    Swan
52    Tern
53    Thrush, Song Thrush
54    Titmouse
55    Turkey
56    Vulture
57    Warbler
58    Warbler, Tree; Warbler, Grass
59    Waxwing
60    White Wagtail, Yellow Wagtail
61    Woodpecker
62    Wren

Pa rt I I I

Reptiles, Fish, Amphibians

1   Carp
2   Crayfish
3    Eel
4    Frog
5    Lizard
6    Pike
7    Salamander, Newt
8    Salmon
9    Slowworm
10    Snail, Slug
11    Snake
12    Toad
13    Trout
14    Turtle, Tortoise

Pa r t I V

Insects, Invertebrates

2    Aphid
3    Bee
   Beetle, Dung
   Beetle, Golden Ground
6    Beetle, May; June Bug
7    Beetle, Stag
8    Bumblebee
9    Butterfly
10    Centipede
11    Cockroach
12    Crane Fly
13    Cricket, Field Cricket
14    Dragonfly
15    Earthworm
16    Earwig
17    Flea
18    Fly
19    Glowworm, Firefly
20    Grasshopper, Locust
21    Harvestman
22    Horsefly
23    Lacewing
24    Ladybug
25    Louse, Head Louse
26    Meal Moth, Clothing Moth
27    Millipede
28    Mosquito
29    Moth, Night
30    Scorpion
31    Silverfish
32    Spider
33    Tick
34    True Bug, Stink Bug
35    Wasp, Hornet
36    Woodlouse


Index of Animals and Their Messages

Index of Messages Associated with the Animals

Supplemental Materials

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