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The Annals The Reigns of Tiberius, Claudius, and Nero

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2008-08-10
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press

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Here is a lively new translation of Cornelius Tacitus' timeless history of three of Rome's most memorable emperors. Tacitus, who condemns the depravity of these rulers, which he saw as proof of the corrupting force of absolute power, writes caustically of the brutal and lecherous Tiberius, the weak and cuckolded Claudius, and "the artist" Nero. In particular, his gripping account of the bloody reigns of Tiberius and Nero brims with plots, murder, poisoning, suicide, uprisings, death, and destruction. The Annals also provides a vivid account of the violent suppression of the revolt led by Boudicca in Britain, the great fire of Rome under Nero, and the subsequent bloody persecution of the Christians. J. C. Yardley's translation is vivid without sacrificing accuracy, and is based on the recent Latin Heubner text, with variations noted in an appendix. Anthony A. Barrett's introduction and notes provide invaluable historical and cultural context. This superb edition also includes maps, a glossary of Roman terms and place names, and a full index of names and places.

Author Biography

J. C. Yardley is a former Professor and Head of Classics at the Universities of Calgary and Ottawa and the author of numerous books on the ancient world.
Anthony A. Barrett is the author of biographies of Livia, Agrippina, and Caligula.

Table of Contents

Cornelius Tacitus : from the passing of divine Augustusp. 1
Books 1-6 : Tiberiusp. 1
Books 11-12 : Claudiusp. 195
Books 13-16 : Nerop. 245
Political and military termsp. 356
The first-century A.D. Roman army and the Annalsp. 362
The city of Romep. 365
Peoples and places (excluding Rome)p. 368
Textual variantsp. 384
Roman emperors from Augustus to Hadrianp. 390
The Imperial Familyp. 391
Stemma (a) : Augustus and Tiberiusp. 392
Stemma (b) : Gaius, Claudius, and Nerop. 393
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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