What is included with this book?
Nyarlathotep | p. 1 |
The apocalypse commentary of Bob Paisner | p. 5 |
Sweethearts | p. 27 |
Fraise, Menthe, Et Poivre 1978 | p. 31 |
What is it when God speaks? | p. 43 |
Kraftmark | p. 45 |
The hook | p. 58 |
Sixteen small apocalypses | p. 67 |
The last man | p. 78 |
Earth's Holocaust | p. 82 |
I always go to particular places | p. 102 |
An accounting | p. 106 |
Square of the sun | p. 118 |
The end | p. 123 |
Some approaches to the problem of the shortage of time | p. 143 |
Think warm thoughts | p. 148 |
The ash gray proclamation | p. 149 |
Pole shift | p. 177 |
Miss Kansas on judgment day | p. 179 |
The star | p. 187 |
When we went to see the end of the world by Dawnie Morningside, age 11 1/4 | p. 198 |
I am 'I don't know what I am' and you are afraid of me and so am I | p. 204 |
The escape - a tale of 1755 | p. 206 |
So we are very concerned | p. 231 |
Gigantic | p. 233 |
The end of the future | p. 243 |
Crossing into Cambodia | p. 254 |
'80s Lilies | p. 272 |
These zombies are not a metaphor | p. 276 |
The rapid advance of sorrow | p. 279 |
The conversation of Eiros and Charmion | p. 286 |
Apoca Ca Lyp Se : a dip tych | p. 292 |
After all | p. 300 |
Save me from the pious and the vengeful | p. 307 |
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