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The Apocalypse Reader

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2007-05-22
  • Publisher: Running Press Adult
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What is included with this book?


These are the ways the world ends. Thirty-four new and selected Doomsday scenarios: an enthralling collection of work by canonical literary figures, contemporary masters, and a few rising stars, all of whom have looked into the future and found it missing. Across boundaries of place and time, these writers celebrate the variety and vitality of the short story as a form by writing their own conclusions to the story of the world. Obliteration has never hurt so good. Contributors include Grace Aguilar, Steve Aylett, Robert Bradley, Dennis Cooper, Lucy Corin, Elliott David, Matthew Derby, Carol Emshwiller, Brian Evenson, Neil Gaiman, Jeff Goldberg, Theodora Goss, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Jared Hohl, Shelley Jackson, Ursula K. Le Guin, Stacey Levine, Tao Lin, Kelly Link, H.P. Lovecraft, Gary Lutz, Rick Moody, Michael Moorcock, Adam Nemett, Josip Novakovich, Joyce Carol Oates, Colette Phair, Edgar Allan Poe, Terese Svoboda, Justin Taylor, Lynne Tillman, Deb Olin, Unferth, H.G. Wells, Allison Whittenberg, and Diane Williams.

Author Biography

Justin Taylor is the Books Editor for Econoculture.com. His writing has appeared in numerous online and print publications, including American Book Review, Rain Taxi, Punk Planet, the Brooklyn Rail, and the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. He earned his MFA in fiction from The New School and lives in Brooklyn. Visit him online at www.justindtaylor.net.

Table of Contents

Nyarlathotepp. 1
The apocalypse commentary of Bob Paisnerp. 5
Sweetheartsp. 27
Fraise, Menthe, Et Poivre 1978p. 31
What is it when God speaks?p. 43
Kraftmarkp. 45
The hookp. 58
Sixteen small apocalypsesp. 67
The last manp. 78
Earth's Holocaustp. 82
I always go to particular placesp. 102
An accountingp. 106
Square of the sunp. 118
The endp. 123
Some approaches to the problem of the shortage of timep. 143
Think warm thoughtsp. 148
The ash gray proclamationp. 149
Pole shiftp. 177
Miss Kansas on judgment dayp. 179
The starp. 187
When we went to see the end of the world by Dawnie Morningside, age 11 1/4p. 198
I am 'I don't know what I am' and you are afraid of me and so am Ip. 204
The escape - a tale of 1755p. 206
So we are very concernedp. 231
Giganticp. 233
The end of the futurep. 243
Crossing into Cambodiap. 254
'80s Liliesp. 272
These zombies are not a metaphorp. 276
The rapid advance of sorrowp. 279
The conversation of Eiros and Charmionp. 286
Apoca Ca Lyp Se : a dip tychp. 292
After allp. 300
Save me from the pious and the vengefulp. 307
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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