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Applied Anatomy and Physiology for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology

by ; ; ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2025-01-23
  • Publisher: LWW
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Designed to help readers make connections between foundational concepts and clinical application, Applied Anatomy and Physiology for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, 2nd Edition, integrates pathology content into the study of each system underlying speech and hearing. This unique approach ensures that students see the “big picture” while learning the basic science of anatomy and physiology alongside the art and science of communication disorders. The second edition features enhancements from cover to cover, including updated pathology chapters, references to new research, a chapter devoted to swallowing and dysphagia, updated tables and figures (including color), and changes in incidence and prevalence of different pathologies. Case studies are presented in each of the pathology chapters to facilitate students’ understanding of how disorders of anatomy and physiology may affect speech, language, and hearing. This textbook can be used as the primary or secondary resource for undergraduate courses in anatomy and physiology, neuroanatomy, introduction to audiology, and organic and functional disorders of communication.
  • Features learning objectives and chapter summaries that help focus and guide your reading, useful appendices for quick reference, a glossary of terms, and open-ended questions at the end of each section for discussion, recall, and application. Case studies are presented in each of the pathology chapters to facilitate students’ understanding of how disorders of anatomy and physiology may affect speech, language, and hearing.
  • Includes Medical Terminology boxes and Why You Need to Know boxes that convey important information relevant to different clinical settings.
  • Contains numerous new and updated illustrations throughout—many in vibrant full color.
  • Digital resources for students include chapter proficiency quizzes for self-assessment, a new case study for every pathology chapter, video clips for a better understanding of anatomical structures related to speech, language, and hearing; and BioDigital Tours that allow virtual interaction with anatomical structures.
  • Digital resources for instructors include new lecture slides aligned to each chapter of the text and a test bank for each chapter that can be used for formative or summative assessment.

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