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Applied Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Schools

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2021-06-15
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press

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Looking to rent a book? Rent Applied Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Schools [ISBN: 9780197581384] for the semester, quarter, and short term or search our site for other textbooks by Joyce-Beaulieu, Diana; Zaboski, Brian A.. Renting a textbook can save you up to 90% from the cost of buying.


Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based psychosocial intervention appropriate for a plethora of problems including anxiety, depression, and emotion dysregulation. School-based practitioners can alleviate some of these concerns in young people by applying CBT in school settings, but to do so successfully, CBT must be modified to accommodate busy academic schedules, to include both parents and teachers, and to align with academic or other accommodations.

Applied Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Schools is a textbook for students and guide for practitioners looking to apply CBT in school settings. In this text, the assembled authors unpack CBT's theoretical development and provide an overview of its research support and applications for children and adolescents. Essentials for all CBT practitioners, such as behavioral activation, cognitive restructuring, and exposure and response prevention are covered in detail. The book also highlights relevant laws and ethics codes and walks readers through basic therapy micro skills. Special attention is paid to culturally responsive mental health services and key skills like psychoeducation, relaxation training, and mindfulness. The book concludes with tips for incorporating technology to supplement therapy and enhance client engagement. Printable handouts for children and families, as well as therapist worksheets are included in addition to school-based case studies that illustrate CBT's flexibility. Applied Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Schools is the go-to resource for students learning CBT, early career school-based practitioners and more seasoned professionals looking to draw more proactively on CBT skills in practice.

Author Biography

Diana Joyce-Beaulieu is a faculty member of the School Psychology Program at the University of Florida. As a licensed psychologist and Nationally Certified School Psychologist, she administers the practica program and supervises 40+ graduate students per year across four county school systems and nine clinical sites. Her research interests include cognitive-behavioral therapy and behavioral/conduct disorders. Over the past few years, she has served as co-principal investigator for professional development grants to research training models for Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). Her publications include five books and numerous professional articles.

Brian Zaboski is a licensed Connecticut psychologist and a Nationally Certified School Psychologist. He developed a clinical and research specialty in cognitive-behavioral therapy with exposure at Rogers Behavioral Health under the supervision of Eric Storch, as well as during his clinical postdoctoral studies in the University of Florida's Department of Psychiatry, Division of Psychology. As the Associate Director for Clinical Psychology in the Yale OCD Research Clinic, his primary interests include the application of sophisticated quantitative methods to understanding the neurobiological networks of individuals afflicted with OCD, improving exposure therapy through translational neuroscience, and training clinicians in exposure-based techniques.

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