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On Baba's Back

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Board Book
  • Copyright: 2022-01-11
  • Publisher: Princeton Architectural Press

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Baby koala Koko takes his first step toward independence in this endearing board book made for reading together.

Koko and Baba are a very close koala family, so close that Koko does everything on Baba's back—eats, plays, you name it! Until one day, when Koko wants to do something different, and he takes his first step off Baba's back to go explore. Families will love snuggling up together to read this sweet tale of togetherness, just like Koko and Baba as they curl up at the end of the night to celebrate Koko's big day.

Author Biography

Marianne Dubuc is an award-winning author and illustrator of children's books, including What Do You Want, Little Friend?, Up the Mountain Path, and Otto and Pio. Beloved by children worldwide, her books have been translated into more than thirty languages. Dubuc lives in Montreal, Quebec, with her husband and their two children.

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