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Basic Guide to SuperVision and Instructional Leadership, The

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 3rd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2012-01-29
  • Publisher: Pearson
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This brief version of Glickman, Gordon, and Ross-Gordon's SuperVision and Instructional Leadership: A Developmental Approachcontinues to break new ground by exploring, challenging, and reshaping the field of educational administration. A valuable resource for both aspiring and practicing school leaders, this book is a necessity for any school leader's library.

Author Biography


Table of Contents



1. SuperVision for Successful Schools

    SuperVision: A New Name for a New Paradigm.
    Supervisory Glue as a Metaphor for Success.
    Organization of This Book.
    Supervision and Moral Purpose.




2. The Norm: Why Schools Are as They Are

    The Work Environment or Culture of Schools.
    The Legacy of the One-Room Schoolhouse.
    Blaming the Victim and Structural Strain.

    Viewing School Culture in the Context of the Larger Culture.

3. The Exception: What Schools Can Be

    Background to School Effectiveness Studies.
    Early Effective Schools Research.
    The Second Wave of Effective Schools Research.
    Context Studies in Effective Schools Research.
    Has Effective Schools Research Outlived Its Usefulness?
    The Legacy of Effective Schools Research.
    From Effective Schools to School Improvement.
    A Cause Beyond Oneself.

    Connecting School Improvement to the Local Community and Larger Society.

    What to Do with Successful Schools Research: Some Propositions.


4. Adult and Teacher Development within the Context of the School: Clues for Supervisory Practice

    Adults as Learners.
    Adult and Teacher Development. 


5. Reflections on Schools, Teaching, and Supervision.

    Effective and Good Schools: The Same?
    Instructional Improvement and Effective Teaching.
    Beliefs about Education.
    Supervision Beliefs.
    Supervisory Platform as Related to Educational Philosophy.
    Checking Your Own Educational Philosophy and Supervisory Beliefs.
    What Does Your Belief Mean in Terms of Supervisor and Teacher Responsibility? 



6. Supervisory Behavior Continuum: Know Thyself

    Outcomes of Conference.
    Valid Assessment of Self.
    Johari Window.
    Cognitive Dissonance.

    Comparing Self-Perceptions with Other Perceptions.
    Comparing Self-Perceptions to Recorded Behaviors


7. Directive Control Behaviors

    Directive Continum of Behaviors. 
    A History of Overreliance on Control.
    When to Use Directive Control Behaviors.
    Moving from Directive Control toward Directive Informational Behaviors.


8. Directive Informational Behaviors

    Directive Continum of Behaviors.

    Comparing Directive Control and Directive Informational Statements.
    When to Use Directive Informational Behaviors.
    Moving from Directive Informational toward Collaborative Behaviors.

    Critical Reflection on Directive Informational Supervision


9. Collaborative Behaviors

    Collaborative Continum of Behaviors. 
    Issues in Collaborative Supervision.
    When to Use Collaborative Behaviors.
    Moving from Collaborative toward Nondirective Behaviors.
    Critical Reflection on Collaborative Supervision

10. Nondirective Behaviors

    Nondirective Continum of Behaviors. 
    Initiating Nondirective Supervision.
    Nondirective, Not Laissez Faire, Supervision.
    Issues with Nondirective Supervision.
    When to Use Nondirective Behaviors.
    Critical Reflection on Nondirective Supervision


11. Developmental Supervision: Theory and Practice

    Rationale for Developmental Supervision.
    Applying Developmental Supervision.
    Not Algorithms, But Guideposts for Decisions.

    Scenario and Discussion: Inappropriate Use of Interpersonal Behaviors?




12. Assessing and Planning Skills

    Assessing Time.
    Changing Time Allocations: Planning.
    Assessing and Planning within the Organization.
    Ways of Assessing Needs.
    Analyzing Organizational Needs.

13. Observing Skills.

    Formative Observation Instruments Are Not Summative Evaluation Instruments.
    Ways of Describing.
    Quantitative Observations.
    Qualitative Observations.
    Tailored Observation Systems.
    Types and Purposes of Observations. 
    Cautions Concerning Observations


14. Research and Evaluation Skills

    Key Decisions in the Program Evaluation Process
    Overall Instructional Program Evaluation.
    Other Considerations for Evaluation
    Teacher Evaluation




15. Direct Assistance to Teachers

    Clinical Supervision.
    Comparing Clinical Supervision with Teacher Evaluation.
    Integrating Clinical Supervision and Developmental Supervision.
    Peer Coaching.

16. Group Development

    Dimensions of an Effective Group.
    Group Member Roles.
    Dealing with Dysfunctional Members.
    Resolving Conflict.
    Preparing for Group Meetings.

17. Professional Development

    Characteristics of Successful Professional Development Programs.
    Integrating Schoolwide, Group, and Individual Professional Development.
    Alternative Professional Development Formats.
    Examples of Effective Professional Development Programs.
    Stages of Professional Development.
    The Nuts and Bolts.
    Extending the Concept of Professional Development

    Evaluating Professional Development Programs

    Teachers as Objects or Agents in Professional Development.


18. Curriculum Development

    Sources of Curriculum Development.
    Legislated Learning

    Curriculum Development as a Vehicle for Enhancing Collective Thinking About Instruction.
    What Should Be the Purpose of the Curriculum?
    What Should Be the Content of the Curriculum?
    How Should the Curriculum Be Organized?
    In What Format Should the Curriculum Be Written?
    Curriculum Format as Reflective of Choice Given to Teachers.
    Relationship of Curriculum Purpose, Content, Organization, and Format.
    Levels of Teacher Involvement in Curriculum Development.
    Integrating Curriculum Format with Developers and Levels of Development.
    Matching Curriculum Development with Teacher Development.

    The Curriculum and Cultural Diversity


19. Action Research: The School as the Center of Inquiry

    How Is Action Research Conducted?
    A Developmental Approach to Action Research.
    Action Research: Vehicle for a Cause beyond Oneself.
    Examples of Action Research.
    Expanding Boundaries: Alternative Approaches to Action Research

    Shared Governance for Action Research. 

    Suggestions for Assisting Action Research.
    Conclusion: Focus, Structure, and Time for Development.



VI. Cultural Tasks of Supervision


20. Facilitating Change

    Education Change Theory

    Change at the Individual Level

    Changing the Conditions of Teaching



21. Addressing Diversity

    Achievement Gaps Among Economic, Racial, and Ethnic Groups

    A Societal or a School Problem?

    Cultural Clashes

    Culturally Responsive Teaching

    Culturally Responsive Schools

    Gender Equity

    Equity for Sexual Minorities

    Overarching Patterns

    Connecting the Technical Tasks of Supervision to Cultural Responsiveness



22. Building Community

    Democratic Community

    Moral Community

    Professional Learning Community

    Community of Inquiry

    Engagement with the Larger Community

    Five Attributes, One Community




Appendix A: Review of Interpersonal Behavior in Four Supervisory Approaches.
Name Index

Subject Index

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