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The Bible Toolbox

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback w/ Access Code
  • Copyright: 2019-08-01
  • Publisher: BROADMAN & HOLMAN PUB

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In Bible Toolbox, authors Bryan H. Cribb and Channing L. Crisler equip students with the proper tools to engage and interpret the Scriptures for themselves.

This book introduces readers to the Bible by giving attention to each major section of Scripture. It also serves as a hermeneutical guide, teaching students how to use the tools described in the text to actively engage the Bible. Readers of Bible Toolbox will gain a deeper Biblical knowledge as they study this book, and will be able to use these tools as they continue to study the Bible for years to come. 


Author Biography

Bryan H. Cribb is professor of Old Testament and Biblical Hebrew of the College of Christian Studies and Clamp Divinity School at Anderson University in Anderson, SC.

Channing L. Crisler is assistant professor of New Testament of the College of Christian Studies and Clamp Divinity School at Anderson University in Anderson, SC.


Table of Contents

Part 1: The Bible Toolbox Instruction Manual 

Chapter 1 Why Should We Use the Tools?: The Inspiration, Authority, and Relevance of the Bible 

Chapter 2 Tools for Interpreting the Story behind the Story: The Origin of the Bible as We Know It 

Chapter 3 Understanding the Tools in the Toolbox 

Part 2: Introduction to the Old Testament 

Chapter 4 Tools for Interpreting the Pentateuch 

Chapter 5 Tools for Interpreting the Historical Books 

Chapter 6 Tools for Interpreting the Poetry and Wisdom Books 

Chapter 7 Tools for Interpreting the Prophetic Books 

Part 3: Introduction to the New Testament 

Chapter 8 Tools for Interpreting the Gospels 

Chapter 9 Tools for Interpreting Acts and Paul’s Biography 

Chapter 10 Tools for Interpreting Paul’s Letters 

Chapter 11 Tools for Interpreting the General Epistles and Revelation 

Scripture Index 

Supplemental Materials

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