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A Brief History of Christian Worship

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 1993-01-01
  • Publisher: INGRAM
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Most histories of Christian worship are written as if nothing significant in liturgical history ever happened in North America, as if cultural diversities were insignificant in the development of worship, and as if most of what mattered were words the priest or minister addressed to God. This book is a revisionist work, attempting to give new direction to liturgical history by treating the experience of worship of the people in the pews as the primary liturgical document. It means liturgical history written facing the other way--that is, looking into the chancel rather than out of it.Relishing the liturgical diversity of recent centuries as firm evidence of Chritianity's ability to adapt to a wide variety of peoples and places, Professor White shows that this tendency has been apparent in Chrisitian worship since its inception in the New Testament churches. Instead of imposing one tradition's criteria on worship, he tries to give a balanced and comprehensive approach to the development of the dozen or more traditions surviving in the modern world.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. 9
Worship in the Churches of the New Testament Erap. 13
Worship in the Churches of the Early Christian Centuriesp. 40
Worship in the Churches of the Middle Agesp. 75
Worship in the Churches of the Reformation Periodp. 104
Worship in the Churches of Modern Timesp. 142
Worship in the Churches of the Futurep. 178
Notesp. 181
Index of Personsp. 189
Index of Subjectsp. 190
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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