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List of Illustrations xiii
Preface xvii
1 Prescientific Psychology 1
A Public Psychology 4
Phrenology 4
Physiognomy 7
Mesmerism 9
Spiritualism 10
Mental Healing 11
The Road to Mental Philosophy 13
British Empiricism 14
Scottish Realism 15
American Mental Philosophers 16
Struggles for the New Science 16
2 Physiology, Psychophysics, and the Science of Mind 18
Brain and Nervous System 20
Cortical Localization 20
Specificity in the Nerves 23
The Speed of Nerve Conductance 24
Sensory Physiology 26
Color Vision 27
Pitch Perception 27
Psychophysics 28
Ernst Weber’s Research 29
Fechner’s Psychophysics 30
3 Germany and the Birth of a New Science 33
Wundt’s Leipzig Laboratory 34
Wundt’s System of Psychology 35
Wundt’s Research Methods 37
Psychological Instrumentation in Research 39
The Research in Wundt’s Laboratory 40
Wundt’s Völkerpsychologie 41
Wundt’s Students 41
Hermann Ebbinghaus and the Study of Memory 42
Franz Brentano’s Act Psychology 46
Carl Stumpf and the Psychology of Music 46
Georg Elias Müller and Memory 47
Oswald Külpe and Thinking 48
4 Origins of Scientific Psychology in America 51
William James as Psychologist 52
James’s Principles 53
James’s Student: Mary Whiton Calkins 56
James as Psychologist and Philosopher 58
G. Stanley Hall and the Professionalization of Psychology 58
The Child Study Movement 59
Adolescence and Hall’s Genetic Psychology 60
Psychoanalysis, Religion, Aging 62
James McKeen Cattell: Psychology’s Ambassador 63
Cattell’s Mental Tests 63
Cattell as Editor of Science 65
Getting the Word out about a New Science 66
5 The Early Schools of American Psychology 68
The Early North American Psychology Laboratories 69
Structuralism 70
Introspection 73
Studies of Sensation: Psychology’s Periodic Table 75
The Laboratory Manuals 75
The Experimentalists 76
Titchener’s First Doctoral Student: Margaret Floy Washburn 77
Functionalism 78
British Influences 79
Chicago: Angell’s Functional Psychology 80
Columbia: Woodworth’s Dynamic Psychology 81
Woodworth’s Textbooks 83
The Psychological Work of the Functionalists 83
The Legacies of Structuralism and Functionalism 84
6 The Birth of the New Applied Psychology in America 86
The Beginnings of Clinical Psychology 88
Lightner Witmer’s Psychological Clinic 88
A Psychology of Business 92
The Psychology of Advertising 93
Münsterberg and Industrial Efficiency 95
Lillian Gilbreth’s Engineering Psychology 96
Business Psychology Outside the Academy 98
Vocational Guidance 98
Intelligence Testing 99
A Misapplication of Psychology—Eugenics 100
Münsterberg and the Psychology of Law 102
The New Profession of Psychology 103
7 Psychoanalysis 104
Freud’s Early Training 105
Josef Breuer and the Case of Anna O 107
Psychoanalysis as a Theory of the Normal Mind 108
Psychoanalysis as a Theory of the Neuroses 109
Anxiety and Defense Mechanisms 109
Childhood Sexuality 110
Psychoanalysis as Method 111
Psychoanalysis in America 113
The Neo-Freudians 117
Alfred Adler’s Individual Psychology 117
Carl Jung’s Analytical Psychology 118
Karen Horney: A Feminist View of Psychoanalysis 120
The Continued Popularity of Psychoanalysis 121
8 Behaviorism 122
John Watson and the Founding of Behaviorism 123
Beginnings of Comparative Psychology 124
Watson’s Behaviorism 127
Conditioned Emotions: Little Albert 128
Watson at Johns Hopkins University 129
Watson as Behaviorism’s Founder 130
The Growth of Behaviorism 131
Neobehaviorism 131
Tolman’s Cognitive Behaviorism 131
Hull’s Hypothetico-Deductive Behaviorism 133
Skinner’s Radical Behaviorism 135
Behaviorism: A Final Note 139
9 The New Profession of Psychology 140
A Profession Defined 141
Experiences in World War I 142
Early Organizational Efforts in Professional Psychology 144
The Role of Psychological Assessment 147
Clinical Psychology 148
Industrial–Organizational Psychology 151
School Psychology 153
Counseling Psychology 155
The Modern Profession 157
10 A Psychology of Social Action and Social Change 159
The Psychology of Sex Differences 161
Helen Bradford Thompson (Woolley) 161
Leta Stetter Hollingworth 164
Kurt Lewin’s Action Research 166
Rehabilitation Psychology and the Social Stigma of Disability 169
The Psychology of Race 171
Race Differences in Intelligence 172
Psychology and School Desegregation 174
A Final Note 178
11 Cognitive Psychology 179
Gestalt Psychology 181
Frederic Bartlett and the Constructive Mind 185
The Rise of Modern Cognitive Psychology in America 188
Karl Lashley and the Hixon Symposium 188
Computer Metaphors 189
Pioneers of the 1950s 191
Naming the Field: Ulric Neisser 196
Epilogue 197
References 202
Index 219
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