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Building Classroom Management Methods and Models

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 12th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2018-01-19
  • Publisher: Pearson
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Explore the most important classroom management approaches and applications
Building Classroom Management: Methods and Models takes a models approach to provide readers with a foundation to thoroughly understand the roots of today’s major classroom management concepts, terminology, approaches, and strategies. The text details and analyzes respected models of classroom management from leading authorities and then presents concrete ways that teachers can apply these methods and tactics to best meet their students’ needs. Step-by-step guidance, reflection and assessment activities, and real teaching perspectives further illustrate how educators can develop effective, well-rounded systems of management for any class.

The 12th Edition broadens the scope of the text, integrating new classroom management terminology, research, and an entire chapter on the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) schoolwide model of management.

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Author Biography

C. M. Charles, PhD., Professor Emeritus of Teacher Education, San Diego State University, Honorary Phi Beta Kappa, was a public school teacher from 1953 to 1959, then moved into higher education. He has held positions at the University of New Mexico, Teachers College Columbia University, Pepperdine University, Universidade Federal do Maranhao (Brazil), and of course, San Diego State University. At San Diego State, Charles directed innovative programs in teacher education, and five times received outstanding professor and distinguished teaching awards. He also served on several occasions as advisor in teacher education and curriculum to the governments of Peru and Brazil. Charles has authored or co-authored numerous books, most of them in education, that have attracted wide audiences in the United States and abroad, with translations into several foreign languages. Besides this new edition of Building Classroom Management, the school disciple texts he’s affiliated with are: Teachers' Petit Piaget (1972); The Synergetic Classroom: Joyful Teaching and Gentle Discipline (2000); Essential Elements of Effective Discipline (2002); Classroom Management for Middle Grades Teachers (2004); Elementary Classroom Management (5th edition 2008); and Today’s Best Classroom Management Strategies: Paths to Positive Discipline (2008). Charles, who resides in California and Australia, is married and has two children who are both teachers.

Karen Cole, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Education at the University of North Carolina at Asheville, where she has been recognized for excellence in teaching courses in classroom management and reading methods. At the start of her career in teacher education at The University of Alabama, Dr. Cole became a trainer for Evertson's Classroom Organization and Management Program (COMP), which ignited her interest in effective classroom management. She has recently developed a strong interest in teaching university faculty to apply classroom management principles in the college classroom. Dr. Cole also works with college students who are learning to successfully navigate their university experiences; with her colleague Margaret Mahlin, she has authored the text Student Hacks: Tips for Finding Your Way in College.

Table of Contents

PART I: Building a Foundation
1. The Teacher’s Role in Managing the Classroom
2. Taking Student Diversity into Account in Classroom Management
3. Classroom Management Concepts and Terms
4. The Development of Classroom Management

PART II: Classroom Management: Models and Methods

5. Insisting on Compliance: Ronald Morrish’s Real Discipline
6. Taking Charge in the Classroom: Craig Seganti
7. Getting Off to a Good Start: Harry and Rosemary Wong on Preventing Management Problems
8. Time Use in Classrooms: How Fred Jones Helps Students Stay Focused and On-Task
9. The Power of Positive Choice: William Glasser on Quality Learning
10. Fostering Responsible Behavior: Marvin Marshall on Motivation and Student Choice
11. Working on the Same Side With Students: Spencer Kagan’s Win-Win Discipline
12. School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports: A Data-Driven, Evidence-Based Approach to Whole-School Behavioral Management
13. Classroom Management for Students With Learning and Behavioral Challenges
14. Striving for Personal Excellence in Classroom Management

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