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Building DIY Websites For Dummies

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2024-04-02
  • Publisher: For Dummies

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The web building book for non-designers

Startups, small businesses, and other ventures need a website to help launch their endeavors. When hiring a designer isn't in the budget, a web-building service is typically the best solution. Even if you can skip learning HTML, you still need to know the tricks that web designers use to create attractive, usable, and functioning sites. This book offers insight into the best practices of creating, launching, and managing a website without learning tons of code. Written by a web design consultant who's helped hundreds of businesses create effective sites, you'll get insight into how to craft a usable design, create site content, improve site findability, and convert browsers into buyers.


  • Tackling hosting and service basics
  • Appealing to customers
  • Improving search engine optimization
  • Building your site's structure
  • Creating an attractive design
  • Developing web-ready content
  • Analyzing your results

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