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Canine and Feline Nutrition

by ; ; ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 3rd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2010-05-21
  • Publisher: Mosby Inc

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How well can you answer pet owners' questions about proper diet and feeding? Canine and Feline Nutrition, 3rd Edition describes the role of nutrition and its effects upon health and wellness and the dietary management of various disorders of dogs and cats. By using the book's cutting-edge research and clinical nutrition information, you'll be able to make recommendations of appropriate pet food and proper feeding guidelines. Pet nutrition experts Linda P. Case, MS, Leighann Daristotle, DVM, PhD, Michael G. Hayek, PhD, and Melody Foess Raasch, DVM, provide complete, head-to-tail coverage and a broad scope of knowledge, so you can help dog and cat owners make sound nutrition and feeding choices to promote their pets' health to prolong their lives.

-Tables and boxes provide quick reference to the most important clinical information.

-Key points summarize essential information at a glance.

-A useful Nutritional Myths and Feeding Practices chapter dispels and corrects common food myths.

-New clinical information covers a wide range of emerging nutrition topics including the role of the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid families in pet health and disease management.

-Coverage of pet food safety and pet food ingredients includes both commercially and home-prepared foods and provides answers to pet owners' questions on these topics.

-Completely updated content reflects the latest findings in clinical nutrition research.

-Information regarding functional ingredients and dietary supplementation provides a scientifically based rationale for recommending or advising against dietary supplements.

-Guidelines for understanding pet food formulations and health claims differentiate between "market-speak" and actual clinical benefits for patients, with practice advice for evaluating and selecting appropriate foods.

"Providing information of value to veterinarians, animal scientists, nutritionists, breeders, exhibitors, judges, trainers, and hobbyists...The book is a sound and useful refresher, training aid and even a quick reference for veterinary surgeon, veterinary nurse, and practice pet health adviser."

"This book...is a good summary of the latest knowledge in the field...the format and the affordable price make it a useful tool for everyone to refer to in the clinic."

Vets Today, December 2010.

Table of Contents

Basics of Nutrition
Energy and Water
Protein and Amino Acids
Digestion and Absorption
Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats
Nutritional Idiosyncrasies of the Cat
Energy Balance
Carbohydrate Metabolism
Fat Requirements
Protein Requirements
Vitamin and Mineral Requirements
Pet Foods
History and Regulation of Pet Foods
Pet Food Labels
Nutrient Content of Pet Foods
Types of Pet Foods
Evaluation of Pet Foods
Feeding Management Throughout the Life Cycle
Feeding Regimens for Dogs and Cats
Pregnancy and Lactation
Nutritional Care of Neonatal Puppies and Kittens
Adult Maintenance
Nutritional Myths and Feeding Practices
Nutritionally Responsive Disorders
Inherited Disorders of Nutrient Metabolism
Development and Treatment of Obesity
Diabetes Mellitus
Dietary Management of Urolithiasis in Cats and Dogs
Nutritionally-Responsive Dermatoses
Chronic Renal Failure
Feline Hepatic Lipidosis
Dental Health and Diet
Nutritional Management of Gastrointestinal Disease
Nutritional Care of Cancer Patients
Nutrition and Mobility NEW!
Nutrition and the Heart NEW!
Estimated Metabolizable Energy Requirements for Dogs
Estimated Metabolizable Energy Requirements of Adult Cats
Standard Weights for American Kennel Club (AKC) Dog Breeds (lbs)
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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