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Career Finder Where to go from here for a Successful Future

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2021-03-08
  • Publisher: Capstone

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The quest for the work and a career that's right for you—that's fulfilling and that you enjoy—is a process of discovery. It involves learning about yourself and finding out about the wide range of work and careers available. And it involves finding out how best to access the work or career you're interested in.


Whether you have no idea what work or career you want to do or there's too many options and you can't decide, Career Finder will help you discover what's right for you and how to go about achieving it.

  • Understand how the world of work and careers is changing
  • Overcome limiting beliefs, identify your strengths, skills and values and build your confidence
  • Identify—from the wide range of career options—the best possibilities for you (not what other people think you should do!)
  • Discover the opportunities that will lead to the work and career you're interested in

Whatever's happening in the world and whether you've just started thinking about a career, want to go in a new direction, or have a complete change, Career Finder will guide and advise you. You'll be prepared to move toward a career that you enjoy and works in harmony with your life and who you are.

Author Biography

Gill Hasson delivers teaching and training for educational organisations, voluntary and business organisations and the public sector. She has 20 years' experience teaching and writing on a range of personal development issues; confidence and self-esteem, communication skills, assertiveness and resilience.

Table of Contents


1. The Changing Nature of Careers

2. Know Who You Are and What’s Important to You

3. Knowing Your Skills, Strengths, and Learning Styles

4. Identifying Possible Jobs and Careers

5. Finding Out More About the Work that Interests You

6. Internships, Returnships, and Apprenticeships

7. Portfolio Careers and Side Hustles

8. Being Stuck in a Job, Quitting a Job, and Managing Unemployment

Further information and advice


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