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The Catholic Spirit: An Anthology for Discovering Faith Through Literature, Art, Film and Music

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2009-11-11
  • Publisher: Ave Maria Pr

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Looking to rent a book? Rent The Catholic Spirit: An Anthology for Discovering Faith Through Literature, Art, Film and Music [ISBN: 9781594711824] for the semester, quarter, and short term or search our site for other textbooks by Bettigole, Michel. Renting a textbook can save you up to 90% from the cost of buying.


The Catholic Spirit sends teens on a journey through classical art, literature, and musical forms that bring greater clarity to important topics of religious significance found in Church teachings.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. ix
General Introduction: How to Use this Sourcebookp. 1
What We Believe (The Profession of Faith)p. 9
Creation and Nature of God
"God's Grandeur"p. 14
"The Teacher of Wisdom"p. 17
"Pigeon Feathers"p. 24
"The Creation" James Weldon Johnson and "The Burning Babe"Robert Southwellp. 52
"Parker's Back"p. 59
The Journey of the Mind into Godp. 84
Seeing with the Artistp. 89
"Questions for Fra Angelico"p. 92
Looking at Filmp. 93
God's Ongoing Revelation
"The Bethlehem Explosion"p. 96
"Where Love is, God is"p. 100
"A Woman of Little Faith" from The Brothers Karamazovp. 115
Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina of Tuscany Galileo Galilei and "Address to the Pontifical Academy of Science"p. 121
Seeing with the Artistp. 137
Looking at Filmp. 137
Listening to Sacred Musicp. 138
The Uniqueness of Mary, the Mother of God
"The Blessed Virgin Mary Compared to a Window"p. 141
"Our Lady's Juggler"p. 145
The Communion of Saints
"Marble Floor"p. 153
An Account of the Martyrdom of St. Blandine and Her Companions in AD 177, from The Ecclesiastical History: Eusebius of Caesareap. 156
Life Everlasting
Two Letters of St. Théièse of Lisieux to Abbe Bellierep. 165
Seeing with the Artistp. 173
Looking at Filmp. 175
How We Touch God and How God Touches Us (The Celebration of the Christian Mystery)p. 179
Sacred Times and Sacred Spaces
"St. Francis and the Animals," from The Writings of Thomas of Celano: Adaptedp. 182
"Welcome Morning"p. 187
The Cathedralp. 192
The Seven Sacraments and Their Effects
"She Went by Gently"p. 196
"The Hint of An Explanation" from Collected Stories of Graham Greenep. 205
"The Gift of the Magi"p. 219
The Diary of a Country Priestp. 227
Seeing with the Artistp. 239
Looking at Filmp. 243
Listening to Sacred Musicp. 244
How We Should Live (Life in Christ)p. 249
Living Out God's Law
"Richard Cory"p. 253
"The Sniper"p. 256
"The Filipino and the Drunkard"p. 262
Law of Love
"The Story of the Other Wise Man"p. 267
"The Bishop's Candlesticks" from Les Misérables Victor Hugo (translated by Isabel Florence Hapgood)p. 282
"Helen" from The Junkie Priest: Father Daniel Egan, SA.p. 297
The Voice of Conscience
"The Merit of a Young Priest" from Hasidic Tales of the Holocaustp. 309
"The Mysterious Visitor" from The Brothers Karamazovp. 316
Right Judgment and Action
"The Little Match Girl"p. 329
"Vanka"p. 333
"The Trouble" from The Prince of Darkness and Other Storiesp. 339
"On Opening a Page in Time Magazine"p. 354
Salvador Witness: The Life and Calling of Jean Donovanp. 357
Seeing with the Artistp. 369
Looking at Filmp. 371
Listening to Sacred Musicp. 378
How We Talk to God and How God Talks to Us (Prayer)p. 383
Connecting with God
"In the Convent Chapel" from The Light Invisiblep. 386
"The Three Hermits"p. 395
"March 7,1848" from Meditations and Devotionsp. 404
Inspirations to Prayer
"Hail Mary" from Dago Redp. 407
Decree of the Second Council of Nicaeap. 414
Praying in Times of Need
"An Experience of God at Midnight," from Bearing the Crossp. 417
"A Woman's Prayer" from Union Square to Romep. 425
"His Cleric's Eye" from And the Risen Breadp. 429
Seeing with the Artistp. 435
Looking at Filmp. 437
Listening to Sacred Musicp. 439
Acknowledgementsp. 441
Reference Listp. 444
Indexp. 447
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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