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The Church's Guide for Reading Paul

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2008-10-16
  • Publisher: Eerdmans Pub Co

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Supplemental Materials

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"The Church's Guide for Reading Paul is the final work of a prolific and beloved biblical scholar. Brevard Childs here turns his sharp scholarly eye to the works of the apostle Paul and makes an unusual argument: the New Testament canon's formation was, above all, a hermeneutical exercise in which its anonymous apostles and postapostolic editors collected, preserved, and theologically shaped the material in order for the evangelical traditions to serve successive generations of Christians."--BOOK JACKET.

Table of Contents

The Search for Paul's Theologyp. 1
Recent Historical Attemptsp. 1
The Pauline Corpusp. 3
The Hermeneutical Problem of Interpreting the Corpusp. 7
Historical Criticism and Canonical Contextp. 10
Elements of Continuityp. 13
Elements of Discontinuityp. 15
The Role of a Text's Backgroundp. 17
Criteria for Canonicityp. 19
Apostolicityp. 21
Catholicityp. 22
Orthodoxyp. 23
The Biblical Canon and the Problem of Textual Receptionp. 24
Alternative Proposals for the Problem of Interpretationp. 29
Ulrich Luz: Wirkungsgeschichtep. 29
Richard B. Hays: Intertextual Reading of Scripturep. 32
Frances Young: The Ethics of Reading Paulp. 39
The Development of Young's Understandingp. 40
A Critical Assessment of Young's Hermeneutical Proposalsp. 42
Luke T. Johnson: Exegesis and Hermeneuticsp. 46
Johnson's Interpretive Approachp. 47
Critical Reflections on Johnson's Proposalsp. 48
Wayne A. Meeks: The Social Context of Pauline Theologyp. 50
Meeks's Approach Outlinedp. 51
Examples of Meeks's Social Interpretationp. 52
A Critical Evaluation of Meeks's Approachp. 56
The Role of the Canon and Jesus' Identityp. 60
The Shaping of the Pauline Corpusp. 65
The Letter to the Romansp. 65
The Pastoral Epistlesp. 69
The Hermeneutical Significance of the Canonical Structurep. 75
Exegetical Probes: Introduction and Guidelinesp. 79
Paul's Apostolate and the Gospelp. 81
Characteristic Features of Paul's Apostleshipp. 83
The Theological Implications of Canonp. 96
Abraham's Faith in Galatians 3 and Romans 4p. 97
J. C. Beker's Categories of Contingency and Coherencep. 97
J. Louis Martyn's Analysis of the Role of the "Teachers"p. 99
A Canonical Reading of Abraham's Faith according to Paulp. 103
Justification in Philippiansp. 108
Justification in the Pastoralsp. 110
Hermeneutical Implicationsp. 111
Life in the Spiritp. 112
Romans 8:1-27p. 113
Galatians 5:13-26p. 115
The Canonical Relation of Romans 8 and Galatians 5p. 117
2 Corinthians 3:1-4:6p. 122
Richard Hays and Ernst Kasemann on 2 Corinthians 3p. 135
Community Gifts and Worshipp. 138
1 Corinthians 12-14p. 139
Romans 12:1-21p. 143
Canonical Shaping of Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12p. 145
Ephesians 4:7-16p. 148
The Order of the Church and Its Officesp. 153
Introduction: The History of the Debatep. 153
The Pastoral Letters in the Debatep. 156
The Broadening of the Discussionp. 157
The Contributions of German Catholic Scholarshipp. 159
Hermeneutical Implications of the Debatep. 164
The Weak and the Strongp. 167
1 Corinthians 8:1-11:1p. 167
Romans 14:1-15:13p. 171
Comparison of Corinthians and Romansp. 173
The Weak and Strong within the Pauline Corpusp. 175
Israel and the Church: Romans 9-11p. 178
Form, Function, and Purpose of Romans 9-11p. 178
Paul's Gospel Grounded on Israel's Scripturesp. 183
The Hermeneutics of Paul's Use of Scripturep. 189
The Canonical Function of Romans 9-11p. 192
The Apocalyptic Shape of Paul's Theologyp. 194
The Old Testament Background of Apocalypticismp. 195
Characteristic Features of Apocalypticismp. 197
Apocalyptic and the Growth of Early Christianityp. 199
Apocalyptic Traditions within the Pauline Corpusp. 206
Theological and Canonical Implications of Apocalypticp. 216
The Canonical Framing of the Pauline Corpusp. 219
Acts of the Apostlesp. 219
The Debate over the Canonical Role of Luke-Actsp. 219
The Canonization of Actsp. 223
The Goals, Purpose, and Function of Actsp. 226
The Hermeneutical Effect of the Canonization of Actsp. 231
The Singularity of Paul's Letters and Their Corporate Formp. 234
Kahler's Hermeneutic and the So-called Historical Paulp. 236
Hebrewsp. 237
Critical Issuesp. 237
Major Theological Themes of Continuityp. 239
Themes of Radical Discontinuityp. 241
Exhortation and Parenesisp. 242
The Humanity of Jesusp. 244
The Major Hermeneutical Issues at Stakep. 244
Reasons for the Inclusion of Hebrews in the Pauline Corpusp. 248
The Effect of Hebrews within the Pauline Corpusp. 249
Theological Implications of the Pauline Corpus for Interpretationp. 253
The Theological Integrity of a Canonical Readingp. 253
The Canonical Context as an Interpretive Guidep. 254
Canonical Shaping and Reader Interpretationp. 255
The Hermeneutical Dialectic in Reading the Corpusp. 255
The Historical and Canonical Paulp. 256
The Christological Content of the Pauline Witnessp. 257
The Faithfulness of God to His Promisesp. 258
The Eschatological-Apocalyptical Witness of Paulp. 258
Index of Names and Subjectsp. 261
Index of Scripture Referencesp. 270
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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