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Cognition, Eleventh Edition

  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 11th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2023-01-09
  • Publisher: Wiley

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An engaging and relatable examination of how we perceive and interpret the world around us

The study of human cognitive processes provides insight into why we act or react the way we do. Understanding cognition can help us understand ourselves and others and can even allow us to make educated predictions about future behaviors. In Cognition, 11th Edition, author Thomas Farmer updates this classic text with the latest advances in the field and more in-depth coverage of prominent topics. Expanded and refined throughout, this edition retains the breadth of scope and depth of detail that has made it the go-to text on the topic. Cognition emphasizes the link between conceptual cognitive psychology and real-world experience: case studies, current trends, and historical perspectives merge to provide a comprehensive understanding of core principles and theories.

  • Discusses behavioral measures and overviews classical behaviorist paradigms
  • Extends the discussions of sensory transduction, procedural memory, and more
  • Clarifies theories of attention and the distinction between controlled vs. automatic processing
  • Includes self quizzes at the end of each chapter, plus updates to all chapters with new and revised content

New to the 11th Edition:

  • On average, each chapter includes three or four major points of revision aimed either at better explaining a particular process or theory or at bring the examination of cognitive processes up-to-date with current science.
  • Practice questions for each chapter are available in formats suitable for both pen-and-paper use and digital use.
  • Instructor resources are enhanced with new lecture presentation slides and chapter outlines annotated by the author to facilitate lecture design and delivery.

Author Biography

Thomas A. Farmer, Ph.D., is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Psychology at California State University, Fullerton. He has 20+ years of research experience in the cognitive sciences, and nearly as many years of experience teaching topics related to cognition and experimental psychology. Dr. Farmer has been responsible for the updating and revision of Cognition since Dr. Margaret Matlin’s retirement, and thus shares authorship of this 11th edition of the book.

Table of Contents


Introduction to Cognitive Psychology      1

Chapter Introduction

Cognitive Psychology: Overview

Origins of Cognitive Psychology

The Cognitive Revolution

Cognitive Psychology More Recently


Perspectives on Cognitive Psychology

The Computer Metaphor of the Mind and Information Processing

The Connectionist Approach

Cognitive Neuroscience


Textbook Overview

Chapter Preview

Themes in the Book

How to Use Your Book Effectively


Visual and Auditory Recognition 2


Chapter Introduction


Overview of Visual Object Recognition

The Visual System

Organization in Visual Perception

Theories of Visual Object Recognition


Top-Down Processing and Visual Object Recognition

Bottom-Up Versus Top-Down Processing

Top-Down Processing and Reading

“Smart Mistakes” in Object Recognition


Specialized Visual Recognition Processes

Neuroscience Research on Face Recognition

Applied Research on Face Recognition


Speech Perception

Characteristics of Speech Perception

Theories of Speech Perception



Attention and Consciousness      3

Chapter Introduction


Overview of Attention

Divided Attention

Selective Attention


Neuroscience of Attention

The Orienting Attention Network

The Executive Attention Network


Theories of Attention

Early Theories of Attention

Feature-Integration Theory



Thought Suppression


Mindfulness Meditation


Working Memory            4

Chapter Introduction


Classical Research on Short-Term Memory

Short-Term Memory Capacity Limits

Atkinson and Shiffrin’s Model of Information Processing


The Turn to Working Memory

Evidence for Components with Independent Capacities

Phonological Loop

Visuospatial Sketchpad

Central Executive

Episodic Buffer


Applications of Working Memory

Working Memory and Academic Performance

Working Memory Abilities in Clinical Populations


Long-Term Memory        5

Chapter Introduction


Overview of Long-Term Memory


Encoding in Long-Term Memory

Levels of Processing

Encoding-Specificity Principle

Emotions, Mood, and Memory


Retrieval in Long-Term Memory

Explicit Versus Implicit Memory Tasks

Individuals with Amnesia



Autobiographical Memory

Schemas and Autobiographical Memory

Source Monitoring and Reality Monitoring

Flashbulb Memories

Eyewitness Testimony

The Recovered-Memory/False-Memory Controversy



Memory Strategies and Metacognition   6

Chapter Introduction


Absentmindedness and Strategies for Avoiding It


Memory Strategies Involving Practice and Mnemonics

Memory Strategies Emphasizing Practice

Mnemonics Using Imagery and Organization

Improving Prospective Memory



Accuracy of Metamemory

Metamemory About Factors Affecting Memory Accuracy

Metamemory and the Regulation of Study Strategies

Tip-of-the-Tongue and Feeling-of-Knowing Effects



Mental Imagery and Cognitive Maps        7


Chapter Introduction


Classical Research on Visual Imagery

Overview of Mental Imagery

Mental Rotation

The Imagery Debate

Visual Imagery and Ambiguous Figures


Factors That Influence Visual Imagery

Distance and Shape Effects on Visual Imagery

Visual Imagery and Interference

Individual Differences in Mental Imagery


Auditory Imagery

Auditory Imagery and Pitch

Auditory Imagery and Timbre


Cognitive Maps

Distance and Shape Effects on Cognitive Maps

Relative Position Effects on Cognitive Maps

Creating a Cognitive Map


General Knowledge        8


Chapter Introduction


Background and Approaches to Semantic Memory

Background Information

Prototype Approach

Exemplar Approach

Comparing the Prototype and Exemplar Approaches

Network Models


Schemas and Scripts

Background on Schemas and Scripts

Memory Selection

Boundary Extension

Memory Abstraction

Memory Integration


Language I: Introduction to Language and Language Comprehension        9


Chapter Introduction


Overview of Psycholinguistics

Background on Language

A Brief History of Psycholinguistics


Sentence Comprehension


Syntactic Complexity

Lexical and Syntactic Ambiguity

Good Enough Processing


Brain and Language

General Considerations


Revisiting Broca’s Area

Hemispheric Specialization

The Mirror System



Comparing Written and Spoken Language

Eye Movements During Reading

Reading Words: Theoretical Approaches

Implications for Teaching Reading to Children



Language II: Language Production and Bilingualism                            10


Chapter Introduction


Overview of Language Production Processes

Language Production: Speaking

Producing a Word

Producing a Sentence

Producing Discourse

The Role of Gesture During Communication

Using Gestures: Embodied Cognition


Language Production: Writing

The Role of Working Memory in Writing

Planning a Formal Writing Assignment

Sentence Generation During Writing

The Revision Phase of Writing


Bilingualism and Second Language Acquisition

Background on Bilingualism

                Advantages (and Minor Disadvantages) of Bilingualism

Second Language Learning

Simultaneous Interpreters


Problem Solving and Creativity   11


Chapter Introduction


Understanding the Problem

Methods of Representing the Problem

Perspectives on Problem Solving


Problem-Solving Strategies

The Analogy Approach

The Means-Ends Heuristic

The Hill-Climbing Heuristic


Factors That Influence Problem Solving


Mental Set

Functional Fixedness

Gender Stereotypes and Math Problem Solving

Problem Type: Insight Versus Noninsight Problems



The Nature of Creativity

Motivation and Creativity


Deductive Reasoning and Decision Making                            12


Chapter Introduction


Deductive Reasoning

Overview of Conditional Reasoning

Factors That Cause Difficulty in Reasoning

Biases and Deductive Reasoning


Heuristics and Decision Making

Representativeness Heuristic

Availability Heuristic

Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic

Current Status of Heuristics and Decision Making


Applications of Decision-Making Research

Framing Effect

Overconfidence About Decisions

Hindsight Bias

Decision-Making Style and Psychological Well-Being


Cognitive Development Throughout the Lifespan                              13

Chapter Introduction


The Lifespan Development of Memory

Memory in Infants

Memory in Children

Memory in Older Adults


The Lifespan Development of Metamemory

Metamemory in Children

Metamemory in Older Adults


The Development of Language

Language in Infants

Language in Children

Supplemental Materials

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