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College Physics A Strategic Approach, Volume 2 (Chapters 17-30)

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  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 4th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2018-01-10
  • Publisher: Pearson

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For courses in algebra-based introductory physics.


Make physics relevant for today's mixed-majors students

College Physics: A Strategic Approach, Volume 2 (Chs 17-30),  4th Edition expands its focus from how mixed majors students learn physics to focusing on why these students learn physics. The authors apply the best results from educational research and Mastering Physics metadata to present basic physics in real world examples that engage students and connect physics with other fields, including biological sciences, architecture, and natural resources. From these connections, students not only to learn in research-driven ways but also understand why they are taking the course and how it applies to other areas.


Extensive new media and an interactive Pearson eText pique student interest while challenging misconceptions and fostering critical thinking. New examples, explanations, and problems use real data from research to show physics at work in relatable situations, and help students see that physics is the science underlying everything around them.  A Strategic Approach, Volume 2 (Chs 17-30),  4th Edition, encourages today’s students to understand the big picture, gain crucial problem-solving skills and come to class both prepared and confident.


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Author Biography

Randy Knight taught introductory physics for 32 years at Ohio State University and California Polytechnic State University, where he is Professor Emeritus of Physics. Professor Knight received a Ph.D. in physics from the University of California, Berkeley and was a post-doctoral fellow at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics before joining the faculty at Ohio State University. It was at Ohio State that he began to learn about the research in physics education that, many years later, led to Five Easy Lessons: Strategies for Successful Physics Teaching and this book, as well as Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach. Professor Knight’s research interests are in the fields of laser spectroscopy and environmental science. When he’s not in front of a computer, you can find Randy hiking, sea kayaking, playing the piano, or spending time with his wife Sally and their five cats.


Brian Jones has won several teaching awards at Colorado State University during his 30 years teaching in the Department of Physics. His teaching focus in recent years has been the College Physics class, including writing problems for the MCAT exam and helping students review for this test. In 2011, Brian was awarded the Robert A. Millikan Medal of the American Association of Physics Teachers for his work as director of the Little Shop of Physics, a hands-on science outreach program. He is actively exploring the effectiveness of methods of informal science education and how to extend these lessons to the college classroom. Brian has been invited to give workshops on techniques of science instruction throughout the United States and in Belize, Chile, Ethiopia, Azerbaijan, Mexico, Slovenia, Norway, and Namibia. Brian and his wife Carol have dozens of fruit trees and bushes in their yard, including an apple tree that was propagated from a tree in Isaac Newton’s garden.


Stuart Field has been interested in science and technology his whole life. While in school he built telescopes, electronic circuits, and computers. After attending Stanford University, he earned a Ph.D. at the University of Chicago, where he studied the properties of materials at ultralow temperatures. After completing a postdoctoral position at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he held a faculty position at the University of Michigan. Currently at Colorado State University, Stuart teaches a variety of physics courses, including algebra-based introductory physics, and was an early and enthusiastic adopter of Knight’s Physics for Scientists and Engineers. Stuart maintains an active research program in the area of superconductivity. Stuart enjoys Colorado’s great outdoors, where he is an avid mountain biker; he also plays in local ice hockey leagues.



Table of Contents

VOLUME 2: Chapters 17-30

PART V Optics

OVERVIEW Light Is a Wave


17 Wave Optics

17.1 What Is Light?

17.2 The Interference of Light

17.3 The Diffraction Grating

17.4 Thin-Film Interference

17.5 Single-Slit Diffraction

17.6 Circular-Aperture Diffraction




18 Ray Optics

18.1 The Ray Model of Light

18.2 Reflection

18.3 Refraction

18.4 Image Formation by Refraction

18.5 Thin Lenses: Ray Tracing

18.6 Image Formation with Spherical Mirrors

18.7 The Thin-Lens Equation




19 Optical Instruments

19.1 The Camera

19.2 The Human Eye

19.3 The Magnifier

19.4 The Microscope

19.5 The Telescope

19.6 Color and Dispersion

19.7 Resolution of Optical Instruments




ONE STEP BEYOND Scanning Confocal Microscopy



PART VI Electricity and Magnetism

OVERVIEW Charges, Currents, and Fields


20 Electric Fields and Forces

20.1 Charges and Forces

20.2 Charges, Atoms, and Molecules

20.3 Coulomb’s Law

20.4 The Concept of the Electric Field

20.5 The Electric Field from Arrangements of Charges

20.6 Conductors and Electric Fields

20.7 Forces and Torques in Electric Fields




21 Electric Potential

21.1 Electric Potential Energy and Electric Potential

21.2 Sources of Electric Potential

21.3 Electric Potential and Conservation of Energy

21.4 Calculating the Electric Potential

21.5 Connecting Potential and Field

21.6 The Electrocardiogram

21.7 Capacitance and Capacitors

21.8 Energy and Capacitors




22 Current and Resistance

22.1 A Model of Current

22.2 Defining and Describing Current

22.3 Batteries and emf

22.4 Connecting Potential and Current

22.5 Ohm’s Law and Resistor Circuits

22.6 Energy and Power




23  Circuits

23.1 Circuit Elements and Diagrams

23.2 Kirchhoff’s Laws

23.3 Series and Parallel Circuits

23.4 Measuring Voltage and Current

23.5 More Complex Circuits

23.6 Capacitors in Parallel and Series

23.7 RC Circuits

23.8 Electricity in the Nervous System




24 Magnetic Fields and Forces

24.1 Magnetism

24.2 The Magnetic Field

24.3 Electric Currents Also Create Magnetic Fields

24.4 Calculating the Magnetic Field Due to a Current

24.5 Magnetic Fields Exert Forces on Moving Charges

Detailed Contents xxxiii

24.6 Magnetic Fields Exert Forces on Currents

24.7 Magnetic Fields Exert Torques on Dipoles

24.8 Magnets and Magnetic Materials




25 EM Induction and EM Waves

25.1 Induced Currents

25.2 Motional emf

25.3 Magnetic Flux and Lenz’s Law

25.4 Faraday’s Law

25.5 Electromagnetic Waves

25.6 The Photon Model of

Electromagnetic Waves

25.7 The Electromagnetic Spectrum




26 AC Electricity

26.1 Alternating Current

26.2 AC Electricity and Transformers

26.3 Household Electricity

26.4 Biological Effects and Electrical Safety

26.5 Capacitor Circuits

26.6 Inductors and Inductor Circuits

26.7 Oscillation Circuits



PART VI SUMMARY Electricity and Magnetism

ONE STEP BEYOND The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming



Part VII Modern Physics

OVERVIEW New Ways of Looking at the World


27 Relativity

27.1 Relativity: What’s It All About?

27.2 Galilean Relativity

27.3 Einstein’s Principle of Relativity

27.4 Events and Measurements

27.5 The Relativity of Simultaneity

27.6 Time Dilation

27.7 Length Contraction

27.8 Velocities of Objects in Special Relativity

27.9 Relativistic Momentum

27.10 Relativistic Energy




28 Quantum Physics

28.1 X Rays and X-Ray Diffraction

28.2 The Photoelectric Effect

28.3 Photons

28.4 Matter Waves

28.5 Energy Is Quantized

28.6 Energy Levels and Quantum Jumps

28.7 The Uncertainty Principle

28.8 Applications and Implications of Quantum Theory




29 Atoms and Molecules

29.1 Spectroscopy

29.2 Atoms

29.3 Bohr’s Model of Atomic Quantization

29.4 The Bohr Hydrogen Atom

29.5 The Quantum-Mechanical

Hydrogen Atom

29.6 Multi-electron Atoms

29.7 Excited States and Spectra

29.8 Molecules      

29.9 Stimulated Emission and Lasers




30 Nuclear Physics

30.1 Nuclear Structure

30.2 Nuclear Stability

30.3 Forces and Energy in the Nucleus

30.4 Radiation and Radioactivity

30.5 Nuclear Decay and Half-Lives

30.6 Medical Applications of Nuclear


30.7 The Ultimate Building Blocks of Matter



Appendix A Mathematics Review

Appendix B Periodic Table of Elements

Appendix C Atomic and Nuclear Data

Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems


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