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Colorful Introduction to the Anatomy of the Human Brain, A: A Brain and Psychology Coloring Book

by ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Coloring Book
  • Copyright: 2007-09-19
  • Publisher: Pearson

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Looking to rent a book? Rent Colorful Introduction to the Anatomy of the Human Brain, A: A Brain and Psychology Coloring Book [ISBN: 9780205548743] for the semester, quarter, and short term or search our site for other textbooks by Pinel, John P.J.; Edwards, Maggie. Renting a textbook can save you up to 90% from the cost of buying.


This hands-on workbook provides an easy and enjoyable means of learning and reviewing the fundamentals of human neuroanatomy through the acclaimed directed-coloring method. Thousands of people inquire about and buy a competitor to this book each year. Unique layout compared to the competition! Text is on the left page with illustration on facing page. A cover flap can cover the illustration's labels for easy self-testing. Up-to-date information covers the latest findings.

Author Biography

John Pinel, the author of Biopsychology, obtained his PhD from McGill University in Montreal. He worked briefly at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology before taking up his current position at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Professor Pinel is an award-winning teacher and the author of over 200 scientific papers; however, he feels that Biopsychology is his major career-related accomplishment. “It ties together everything that I love about my job: students, teaching, writing, and research.”


When asked about his personal interests, Professor Pinel speaks glowingly of his partner, Maggie, and son, Greg. The high quality of the illustrations in Biopsychology is largely attributable to the effort and talents of Maggie, who is an artist and technical writer. Greg is currently completing his PhD at the London School of Economics, specializing in social and educational programs for indigenous peoples.


“I get most of my exercise by rehearsing and performing West African drum rhythms,” Professor Pinel says. “For a peak mental and physical experience, a bit of Kpanlogo with my friend, Nigerian drum master Kwasi Iruoje is hard to beat.” Most of Professor Pinel’s relaxation comes from cuddling his cats, Sambala, Rastaman, and Squeak.

Table of Contents

To The Reader
How to Use This Book
Basic Neuroanatomy
Organization of the Human Nervous System
Divisions of the Nervous System
Divisions of the Central Nervous System
Divisions of the Peripheral Nervous System
Organization of the Spinal Cord
Divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System
The Endocrine System
Review Exercises
Planes and Directions in the Human Nervous System.Introduction
Planes in the Human Brain
Directions in the Human Nervous System
Sides of the Human Nervous System
Review Exercises
Cells of the Nervous System
The Neuron: Its Major Regions
The Neuron: Structures of the Cell Body
The Neuron: Structures of the Terminal Buttons
Neural Conduction Through Dendrites and Cell Body
Axonal Conduction and Synaptic Transmission
Myelination and Saltatory Conduction
The Neuron Cell Membrane and Receptors
Glial CellsReview Exercises
Early Development of the Human Nervous System
Development of the Neural Tube
Six Processes of Early Neural Development
Early Development of the Brain's Three Major Divisions
Early Development of the Brain's Five Divisions
Axon Growth: Correctly Wiring the Nervous System
Adult NeurogenesisReview Exercises
Gross Anatomy of the Human Brain
Cerebral Hemispheres and Brain Stem
The Five Divisions of the Mature Brain
The Meninges
The Cerebral Ventricles
Tracts and Nuclei
The Cerebral Commissures
The Cranial Nerves
Review Exercises
Major Structures of the Brain Stem
Major Structures of the Myelencephalon
Major Structures of the Metencephalon
Major Structures of the Mesencephalon
Diencephalon: The Thalamus
Diencephalon: The Hypothalamus
The Hypothalamus and Pituitary
Review Exercises
Major Structures of the Cerebral Hemispheres
Major Fissures of the Cerebral Hemispheres
Lobes of the Cerebral Hemispheres
Major Gyri of the Cerebral Hemispheres
The Cerebral Cortex
Divisions of the Cerebral Cortex
Primary Sensory and Motor Areas
Subcortical Structures: The Limbic System
Subcortical Structures: The Basal Ganglia
Review Exercises
Functional Neuroanatomy
Sensory Systems of the Central Nervous System
Visual System: From Eye to Cortex
Cortical Visual Areas
Auditory System: From Ear to Cortex
Cortical Auditory Areas
Somatosensory System: From Receptors to Cortex
Cortical Somatosensory Areas
The Descending Analgesia Circuit
Review Exercises
Sensorimotor Pathways of the Central Nervous System
Sensorimotor Cortical Pathways
Primary Motor Cortex
The Descending Dorsolateral Motor Pathways
The Descending Ventromedial Motor Pathways
The Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia
Parkinson's Disease and the Nigrostriatal Pathway
Review Exercises
Brain Structures and Memory
Hippocampal Formation and Memory: The Case of H.M.
Rhinal Cortex and
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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