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Common Sense, the Rights of Man and Other Essential Writings of Thomas Paine

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: Reprint
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2003-07-01
  • Publisher: Signet Classics

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Paine’s daring prose paved the way for the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War. This volume also includes The Crisis,” The Age of Reason,” and Agrarian Justice.”

Author Biography

Thomas Paine was born in Thetford, England, in 1737, the son of a staymaker. He had little schooling and worked at a number of jobs, including tax collector, a position he lost for agitating for an increase in excisemen’s pay. Persuaded by Benjamin Franklin, he emigrated to America in 1774. In 1776 he began his American Crisis series of thirteen pamphlets, and also published the incalculably influential Common Sense, which established Paine not only as a truly revolutionary thinker, but as the American Revolution’s fiercest political theorist. In 1787 Paine returned to Europe, where he became involved in revolutionary politics. In England his books were burned by the public hangman. Escaping to France, Paine took part in drafting the French constitution and voted against the king’s execution. He was imprisoned for a year and narrowly missed execution himself. In 1802 he returned to America and lived in New York State, poor, ill and largely despised for his extremism and so-called atheism (he was in fact a deist). Thomas Paine died in 1809. His body was exhumed by William Cobbett, and the remains were taken to England for a memorial burial. Unfortunately, the remains were subsequently lost.

Table of Contents

Forewordp. vii
Introductionp. xix
Common Sense
Introductionp. 3
Of the origin and design of government in generalp. 4
Of monarchy and hereditary successionp. 11
Thoughts on the present state of American affairsp. 21
Of the present ability of Americap. 40
Appendixp. 52
The Crisis
Number Ip. 71
Number III (Selections)p. 81
Number IV (Selections)p. 83
Number Vp. 87
Number VII (Selections)p. 118
Number VIII (Selections)p. 119
Number XIIIp. 121
Rights of Man
p. 129
Prefacesp. 130
To the French Editionp. 130
To the English Editionp. 132
Rights of Manp. 135
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizensp. 217
Observations on the Declaration of Rightsp. 219
Miscellaneous Chapterp. 222
Conclusionp. 248
Combining Principles and Practicep. 257
Prefacep. 259
Introductionp. 266
Of Society and Civilizationp. 270
Of the Origin of the Present Old Governmentsp. 275
Of the Old and New Systems of Governmentp. 278
Of Constitutionsp. 294
Ways and Means of Improving the Condition of Europe, Interspersed with Miscellaneous Observationsp. 320
The Age of Reason
Part One (Selections)p. 351
Agrarian Justice (Selections)p. 371
Suggested Readingsp. 379
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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