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Comprehensive Multicultural Education Theory and Practice

  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 9th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2018-01-21
  • Publisher: Pearson
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A comprehensive look at multicultural education that balances theory with practical teaching strategies.
Comprehensive Multicultural Education: Theory and Practice uniquely blends diversity theory, history, and social science with sample lessons, cases, and real-world vignettes so that pre- and in-service teachers understand the what, why, and how of multicultural education. A comprehensive conceptual framework of multicultural teaching and a teacher-tested curriculum development model give readers a strong foundation for integrating multicultural perspectives in their own curricula. Incorporating current research and new sections on race and social justice, the 9th Edition includes three new chapters on gender, poverty, and special education so that today’s teachers are better equipped to become informed, caring advocates for all students.

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Author Biography

Christine Iverson Bennett is Professor Emerita in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Indiana University. She earned her B.A. in Sociology at Northwestern University, her M.A. in Social Studies Education at Stanford University, and her Ph.D. in Social Science Education with specializations in ethnic studies at the University of Texas in Austin. Prior to her doctoral studies she taught high school history and government courses in San Jose and Los Angeles. During her thirty-one years at Indiana University, Professor Bennett developed and taught graduate and undergraduate courses in multicultural education; and initiated and directed The Teacher as Decision Maker program for career changers, The Research Institute on Teacher Education, and Project TEAM, a program to recruit and support students from underrepresented minorities. She also served as director of Indiana University's Exchange Program with Hangzhou University and conducted seminars for faculty at Al-Ain University in the United Arab Emirates and for visiting international scholars at Indiana University. Her research publications focus on the impact of multicultural social studies, classroom climates in desegregated schools, racial inequities in school discipline, racial issues in higher education, and multicultural teacher education. She can be reached at bennettc@indiana.edu.

Table of Contents

Part I: The Case for Multicultural Education
1. Multicultural Schools: What, Why, and How
2. Culture, Race, and the Contexts for Multicultural Teaching
3. Race Relations and the Nature of Prejudice
4. Affirming Religious Pluralism in U.S. Schools and Society

Part II: Roots of Cultural Diversity in the United States: The Conflicting Themes of Assimilation and Pluralism
5. Immigration and Cultural Pluralism: Anglo-European American Perspectives  
6. Colonialism, Involuntary Immigration, and the American Dream: American Indian and African American Perspectives
7. Colonialism, Immigration, and the American Dream: Latino Perspectives
8. Contemporary Immigration and the American Dream: Asian American Perspectives
9. U.S. Immigrants from the Middle East: Arab American Perspectives
Part III: Reaching All Learners: Perspectives on Culture, Gender, Class, and Exceptionalities

10. The Promise of Culturally Competent Teaching
11. How Does Gender Make a Difference?
12. The Impact of Poverty on American Children and Youth
13. The Challenges of Special Education in Inclusive Classrooms
Part IV. Teaching in a Multicultural Society 
14. Teaching in Linguistically Diverse Classrooms, James S. Damico and Suriati Abas
15. Curriculum Transformation: A Multicultural Curriculum Development Model for Teacher Decision Making
Appendix A: Curriculum Transformation: Sample Lessons
Appendix B: Linking Global and Multicultural Education: A Diagram
Name Index
Subject Index

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