Chapter 1: Advertising and IMC Today
Chapter 2: The Big Picture: The Functions of Advertising and Its Evolution
Chapter 3: The Big Picture: Economic, Ethical, and Regulatory Aspects
Chapter 4: The Scope of Advertising: From Local to Global
Chapter 5: Marketing and Consumer Behavior: The Foundations of IMC
Chapter 6: Market Segmentation and the Marketing Mix: Determinants of Campaign Strategy
Chapter 7: Research: Gathering Information for IMC Planning
Chapter 8: Marketing and IMC Planning
Chapter 9: Planning Media Strategy: Disseminating the Message
Chapter 10: Creative Strategy and the Creative Process
Chapter 11: Creative Execution: Art and Copy
Chapter 12: Advertising in Print Media
Chapter 13: Using Audio and Video Media
Chapter 14: Using Digital Interactive Media
Chapter 15: Social Media
Chapter 16: Using Out-of-Home, Exhibitive, and Supplementary Media
Chapter 17: Relationship Building: Direct Marketing, Personal Selling, and Sales Promotion
Chapter 18: Relationship Building: Public Relations, Sponsorship, and Corporate Advertising