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Contrastes Grammaire du francais courant

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Spiral Bound
  • Copyright: 2008-12-31
  • Publisher: DOVER
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This book provides a wealth of examples that establish points of comparison and contrast between confusing structures in French and English.Contrastesis designed to anticipate and address the unique set of questions and common confusions encountered by English speakers when learning French grammar. It discusses intermediate to advanced topics, focusing on culture, grammar, and translation.For those developing intermediate French-speaking skills.

Table of Contents

Le present de lrsquo;indicatif; Lrsquo;imperatif
Les articles; Quantites, preparations et subtances; Omission de lrsquo;article
Les pronoms objets directs et indirects; Les pronoms y et en; Place des pronoms
Les pronoms disjoints; Formes des pronoms dans certaines constructions idiomatiques
Les adjectifs et pronoms demonstratifs
Lrsquo;interrogation directe
La negation
Le passe de lrsquo;indicatif; Le recit au passe
Les participes present et passe
Le futur et le conditionnel
Le subjonctif
Lrsquo;expression de la condition
Le discours indirect au passe
Les subordonnees relatives
Lrsquo;expression du temps
Le passif
La comparaison
Les indefinis
Pluriels et accords
Verbes pronominaux
Temps rares ou litteraires
Tableaux de verbes Reponses
Indexdes verbes
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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