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Controlling State Crime

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 1995-04-01
  • Publisher: Garland Science
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List Price: $88.95

Table of Contents

Series Editors' Preface
Controlling State Crime: Toward an Integrated Structural Modelp. 3
A State Action May Be Nasty But Is Not Likely to Be a Crimep. 35
State Crime or Governmental Crime: Making Sense of the Conceptual Confusionp. 53
Controlling State Crimes by National Security Agenciesp. 81
Controlling Crimes by the Militaryp. 115
State Crime by the Police and Its Controlp. 141
Control and Prevention of Crimes Committed by State-Supported Educational Institutionsp. 163
Crimes of the Capitalist State Against Laborp. 207
Preventing State Crimes Against the Environment During Military Operations: The 1977 Environmental Modification Treatyp. 235
International State-Sponsored Organizations to Control State Crime: The European Convention on Human Rightsp. 283
A New Role for the International Court of Justice: Adjudicator of International and State Transnational Crimesp. 317
Can States Commit Crimes? The Limits of Formal International Lawp. 349
Eliminating State Crime by Abolishing the Statep. 389
The Future of Controlling State Crime: Where Do We Go from Here?p. 419
Contributorsp. 427
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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