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Corporate Explorer How Corporations Beat Startups at the Innovation Game

by ; ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2022-02-02
  • Publisher: Wiley
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Corporate Explorers Transform Disruption Into Opportunity With This Proven Framework

Innovation used to be seen as a game best left to entrepreneurs, but now a new breed of corporate managers is flipping this logic on its head. These Corporate Explorers have the insight, resilience, and discipline to overcome the obstacles and build new ventures from inside even the largest organizations.

Corporate Explorers are part entrepreneurs, using innovation disciplines to jump start cutting-edge ideas, and part change leaders, capable of creating support for investment. They see that corporations already own the ideas, resources, and—critically—the talent to build new ventures. Companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Bosch, LexisNexis, and Analog Devices enable managers to put these assets to use and gain an upper hand over startups that threaten to disrupt them.

Corporate Explorer is a guidebook to the practices that enable these managers to go from idea into action. It demonstrates how success is not only possible but may offer entrenched companies better odds than venture-capital backed startups.

This actionable and proven framework explains how managers can become successful corporate innovators; it includes tools to:

  • Learn how to apply innovation practices with greater discipline
  • Turn great ideas into a full-time job as an innovation leader
  • Experiment with and scale original business models
  • Transform innovation programs into a thriving source of new business
  • Attract, retain, and motivate entrepreneurial talent
  • Energize employees by creating a realistic way to innovate

These lessons come from the trailblazers of corporate innovation—Andrew Binns (Change Logic), Charles O'Reilly (Stanford Graduate School of Business), and Michael Tushman (Harvard Business School)—who have decades of experience helping entrepreneurial-minded executives activate employees to become Corporate Explorers.

Entrepreneurs take notice—it's time for Corporate Explorers to set the pace and chart the course for disruption.

Author Biography

ANDREW BINNS is Co-Founder of Change Logic, a Boston-based strategic advisory firm. He works with CEOs, boards, and senior teams leading transformational business changes. He is a sought-after speaker and lecturer at companies and business schools.

CHARLES O’REILLY is the Frank E. Buck Professor of Management at Stanford Graduate School of Business and a Co-Founder of Change Logic. He is Co-Director of Leading Change and Organizational Renewal.

MICHAEL TUSHMAN is a Baker Foundation Professor; Paul R Lawrence, MBA Class of 1942 Professor Emeritus; and Charles (Tex) Thornton Chair of the Advanced Management Program (AMP) at the Harvard Business School. He is also Co-Founder of Change Logic.

Table of Contents

Preface and Acknowledgements

Section 1 – Strategic Ambition

Chapter 1: Innovation Advantage

Beating the Odds

Strategic Ambition

Innovation Disciplines

Ambidextrous Organization

Explore Leadership

Explorer not Entrepreneur

Chapter Summary

Chapter 2: Corporate Explorers in Action

Explorer’s insight

Purpose Driven

Investor Support

Manage Uncertainty

Chapter Summary

Chapter 3: Strategic Ambition

Emotion, Logic, Aspiration

License to Explore

Social Movement

Hunting Zones


Chapter Summary

Section 2 – Innovation Disciplines

Chapter 4: Ideation: generating ideas for new ventures

Idea Addiction

Solution Trap

Customer Discovery

High-value Customer Problems

Idea Generation

Chapter Summary

Chapter 5: Incubate – how Corporate Explorers learn through experimentation

Business Experiments

What needs to be true? (Hypothesis)

Run Experiments (Test)

Make sense of your results (Learn)

Run a new experiment (Iterate)

Follow the evidence (Decide)

Chapter Summary

Chapter 6: Scale – assembling the assets to build a new venture

Combining Assets

Customers, Capabilities, Capacity

Scaling Paths

Trigger Points

Chapter Summary

Section 3 – Ambidextrous Organization

Chapter 7: Explore Organization

Structure Options


Bottom Up

Top Down

Structure Decision

Chapter Summary

Chapter 8: Explore Business System

Integration Teams

Sales Team Integration

Corporate Functions

Resource Allocation

Feedforward Management System

Executive Attention

Chapter Summary

Chapter 9: Risk and Reward for the Corporate Explorer

Motivation puzzle

Venture Model

Shadow Stock

Long Term Incentives

Personal Risk

Corporate Explorers motivation

Chapter Summary

Section 4 – Explore Leadership

Chapter 10: Silent Killers of Exploration

Core Business System

Preserve Professional Identity

Avoid Risk

Optimize for short-term

Maximize Comfort


Chapter Summary

Chapter 11: The Double Helix: How Corporate Explorers lead Innovation and Change

Future Organization


Social Network Leader

Insider or Outsider

Reputation manager

Chapter Summary

Chapter 12: Readiness to Act: leadership and scaling a new venture

Competing Commitments

Both/And Leadership

Productive tension

The Mirror



Chapter Summary

Appendix: Corporate Explorer Framework

Figures and Tables


About the Authors


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