A practical, inside look at the world of corrections
Updated with state-of-the-practice information, recent data, and new research and findings, Corrections: An Introduction, 5/e, provides a practical approach to the world of corrections. Richard Seiter focuses on what people do in corrections, why they do it, and what challenges face contemporary correctional staff and administrators. Seiter gives students a first-hand look at corrections, integrating his experience in the field with correctional theory, history, and policy. Coverage of the realities and rationales of actual correctional practices at the local, state, and federal levels allows readers to see how theory is put into practice. Engaging case studies, career tips, and personal insights help students connect with the material and gain a realistic and practical understanding of corrections today.
Corrections, 5/e is also available via REVEL™, an interactive learning environment that enables students to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience. Learn more.