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Criminological Theory A Brief Introduction

by ; ; ;
  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 4th
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2014-03-21
  • Publisher: Pearson
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This concise, up-to-date text provides student-friendly examples of all theoretical approaches that emphasize the complex relationships between 21st century social structures, cultures, and crime.


Criminological Theory: A Brief Introduction, 4e provides students and instructors with a concise, up-to-date, and thorough discussion and explication of major criminological schools of thought. The text focuses on providing students with understandings of not only what the central tenets are of criminological theories but also focuses on providing real-life examples and implications for criminal justice policy and practice. The various theories examined across the chapters are illustrated through examples drawing upon contemporary cultural developments of particular interest to college age students that increase interest and engagement.


Teaching and Learning Experience


This book offers an accessible discussion of the major theories of crime, delinquency, social deviance and social control with an objective and neutral approach. It provides:

  • Expanded coverage of theory development, assessment, and integration: Provides thorough yet concise coverage
  • Theories grouped by type and subtype: Gives students an appreciation of the historical development of theoretical criminology and the significance of classical statements to contemporary perspectives
  • Strong pedagogical support: Reinforces chapter information to ensure mastery

Table of Contents


Chapter 1        Theoretical Criminology

Chapter 2        Classical and Neoclassical Criminology

Chapter 3        Biosocial Theories of Crime

Chapter 4        Psychological Theories of Crime

Chapter 5        Social Ecology of Crime

Chapter 6        Learning and Cultural Transmission Theories of Crime

Chapter 7        Strain Theories of Crime

Chapter 8        Control Theories of Crime

Chapter 9        Theories of Social Conflict

Chapter 10      Evaluating and Integrating Theory

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