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Crisis Counseling

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 3rd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2009-01-01
  • Publisher: Fortress Pr

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Howard Stone's third edition of his pastoral care best-seller Crisis Counseling builds on the strengths of the earlier editions-in particular, its easily grasped and adopted intervention model-and expands it to consider the needs of people facing crisis in a post-9/11, post-Katrina world. With a thoroughly updated bibliography, new case studies, and an expanded focus on suicide, intervention in volatile or hazardous situations, the personal safety of the caregiver, and congregational care, this new edition continues to be a standard-bearer in its field. Book jacket.

Author Biography

Howard W. Stone is professor emeritus at Texas Christian University.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. vii
The Minister as Crisis Counselorp. 1
Key Conceptsp. 3
Unique Position and Perspectivep. 4
The Dynamics of Crisisp. 9
How a Crisis Developsp. 10
Characteristics of Crisesp. 12
A Design for Interventionp. 25
Advantages of Crisis Intervention Methodsp. 26
Preparing to Counsel During Crisesp. 27
The A-B-C Method of Crisis Interventionp. 29
Follow-Upp. 44
Returning to Our Case Studyp. 45
Referralp. 49
Extreme Interventionsp. 53
Telephone Crisis Interventionp. 54
Suicidep. 58
High-Risk Crisis Situationsp. 62
Personal Safetyp. 67
Portraits in Crisisp. 71
A Case of Alzheimer's Diseasep. 71
A Case of Lost Job Securityp. 74
A Case of Attempted Suicidep. 78
A Case of a Child's Reaction to a Movep. 80
A Case of a Tornado in a Small Townp. 83
The Church as Caring Communityp. 87
A Study of Church Members During Times of Crisisp. 87
The Church's Ministryp. 92
The Ministry of the Laityp. 94
Bibliographyp. 97
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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