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Dan Dare: The Evil One

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2019-09-24
  • Publisher: Titan Comics
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Presenting the digitally remastered adventures of one of science fiction's most enduring heroes, Dan Dare, Pilot of the Future! First published in classic British comic, Eagle, from 1950 to 1969. This new volume reprints, for the first time ever, the first two years worth of Dan Dare strips written and drawn by David Motton and Keith Watson.

Dan Dare and Digby, defend Earth for a series of threats that see them rocket from one action-packed adventure to the next! From the depths of outer space, and the threat of a race of intelligent giant, mind-controlling spiders, hell-bent on global domination - to the secret, underground hideout of an intergalactic evil genius buried beneath the pleasure beach of Blackpool!

Author Biography

After finishing his national service, David Motton began his 30-year career in comics as a freelance writer working on the Fleetway title The Sun Comic, a title he would become the editor of in its final year. He went on to edit both Knockabout and Film Fun. His writing credits prior to Dan Dare included: Jet-Ace Logan, Max Bravo -The Happy Hussar, Desperate Dan as well as strips for the comics Wizard, Hotspur, Valiant, Mandy, Bunty, Debbie and Judy.

Keith Watson first started working on the Dan Dare strip back in 1958 when he joined the Frank Hampson studio. However, he left after a year to draw Captain Condor for rival comic Lion. In 1962 Keith returned to Dan Dare and became the sole artist. Keith would go on to draw the strip for longer than any other artist, until the comic's demise in 1969. He went on to draw Captain Scarlet and Joe 90 for the Gerry Anderson themed comics TV Century 21, Joe 90 and also Battle of the Planets for TV21. In the 1970s Keith worked for the Dutch comic Eppo on the football strip Roel Dijkstra. In 1989 he returned to Dan Dare once again, when Eagle comic was revived and continued to draw the adventures of the Dare's grandson also conveniently called Dan.

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