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Data Points Visualization That Means Something

  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2013-04-15
  • Publisher: Wiley
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Supplemental Materials

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A fresh look at visualization from the author of Visualize This Whether its statistical charts, geographic maps, or the snappy graphical statistics you see on your favorite news sites, the art of data graphics or visualization is fast becoming a movement of its own. In Data Points: Visualization That Means Something, author Nathan Yau presents an intriguing complement to his bestseller Visualize This, this time focusing on the graphics side of data analysis. Using examples from art, design, business, statistics, cartography, and online media, he explores both standard-and not so standard-concepts and ideas about illustrating data. Intriguing ideas from Nathan Yau, author of Visualize This and creator of flowingdata.com, with over 66,000 subscribers Focuses on visualization, data graphics that help viewers see trends and patterns they might not otherwise see in a table Includes examples from the authors own illustrations, as well as from professionals in statistics, art, design, business, computer science, cartography, and more Examines standard rules across all visualization applications, then explores when and where you can break those rules Create visualizations that register at all levels, with Data Points: Visualization That Means Something .

Author Biography

Nathan Yau has a PhD in statistics and is a statistical consultant who helps clients make use of their data through visualization. He created the popular site FlowingData.com, and is the author of Visualize This: The FlowingData Guide to Design, Visualization, and Statistics, also published by Wiley.

Table of Contents

Introduction xi

1 Understanding Data 1

2 Visualization: The Medium 43

3 Representing Data 91

4 Exploring Data Visually 135

5 Visualizing with Clarity 201

6 Designing for an Audience 241

7 Where to Go from Here 277

Index 291

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