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Dino Pajama Party A Bedtime Book

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2021-10-19
  • Publisher: Running Press Kids
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Join the dinos for a bash before bedtime!

Much like us, dinosaurs love to have fun. Dinosaurs from all around gather together to play instruments, dance, and sing before bedtime. But soon the dinosaurs grow tired and need their rest. This is a book that's sure to have kids following the dinos' lead as they get ready to go to sleep.

Author Biography

Laurie Wallmark is an award-winning children's author from New Jersey. She is a former software engineer and computer science professor.

Michael Robertsonis an illustrator living in Cleveland. In addition to enjoying painting and cooking, he has an extensive collection of vintage soul, jazz, and Brazilian music that he has acquired over the years.

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