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Dino-sorted!: Armoured (Thyreophora) Dinosaurs

by Unknown
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2022-05-03
  • Publisher: Franklin Watts
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Classify the features of prehistoric creatures!

Take a trip back in time to meet the armoured thyreophora! Find out about the huge plates, fearsome spikes and deadly tail clubs that kept these dinosaurs well protected. Discover the different features of the stegosaur and ankylosaur groups, and learn how they survived in the prehistoric world. This is the must-have guide to armoured dinosaurs for dino-mad kids aged 7 and over.

Learn about classifying prehistoric creatures with the Dino-sorted! series. Get a close-up look at dinosaurs and other ancient beasts, with large colourful artwork, and discover the key features that they have in common

Author Biography

Sonya Newland has written and edited many books for children and young people, specialising in science, history and the natural world.

Table of Contents

  • 1: Meet the Thyreophora
  • 2: Stegosaurs and anklyosaurs
  • 3: Sorted: miragaia and anklyosaurus
  • 4: Varied size
  • 5: Sorted: stegosaurus
  • 6: Sturdy legs and feet
  • 7: Sorted: gigantspinosaurus
  • 8: Head, mouth and teeth
  • 9: Sorted: pinacosaurus
  • 10: Stegosaur armour
  • 11: Sorted: kentrosaurus
  • 12: Anklyosaur armour
  • 13: Sorted: euoplocephalus
  • 14: Glossary
  • 15: Further information
  • 16: Index

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