Part One: Sacred Texts, Historical Traditions and Disability * Reading Talmudic Bodies: Disability, Narrative, and the Gaze in Rabbinic Judaism--Julia Watts Belser * What the Rabbis Heard: Deafness in the Mishnah--Bonnie Gracer * Islam and Disability: Broad Outlines--Mohammed Ghaly * Leprosy in Early Islam--Matthew L. Long * Vitiliginous (Sk)Inscriptions: Historical Religious Interpretations of Involuntarily Whining Skin--Elizabeth R. Sierra-Zarella * Resurrecting Deformity: Augustine on Wounded and Scarred Bodies in the Heavenly Realm--Kristi Upson-Saia * PART TWO: Social and Philosophical Perspectives on Religion and Disability * Religious Metaphors as a Justification for Eugenic Control: A Historical Analysis--Gerald V. O’Brian & Autumn Molinari * Catholicism and Disability: Sacred and Profane--Christine James * Disability and the Love of Wisdom: De-forming, Re-forming, and Per-forming Philosophy of Religion--Amos Yong * Beyond Models: Tentative Daoist Contributions to Disability Studies--Darla Schumm & Michael Stoltzfus
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