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Discovering Discipleship

  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2010-04-14
  • Publisher: The Foundry Publishing

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Practicing faithful discipleship means focusing on the daily aspects of Christian education in the local church, within its structures, and through faithful ministry. Through Bible-based truths and helpful insights, Discovering Discipleship identifies principles that provide the Christian educator with an overview of the significant aspects of faithful discipleship. Effectively organized into four areas-definitions, dynamics, design, and practice-authors Dean Blevins and Mark Maddix offer readers an approach to discipleship that seeks to honor God, understand our role in the contemporary world, and guide persons and communities according to Kingdom principles. In this honest exploration, readers will find a new perspective on discipleship that will help them dig deeper and develop a long-lasting and effective practice of community formation and faithful discipleship.

Author Biography

Dean G. Blevins is professor of Christian education and director of the Masters of Arts in Christian Education program at Nazarene Theological Seminary. He is a contributing author in several books and has published over fifty articles, including some in Christian Education Journal and Wesleyan Theological Journal. He is also the senior editor of Didache: Faithful Teaching, an online academic journal dedicated to the exploration of faith, culture, and higher education. Mark A. Maddix is professor of Christian education and the dean of the School of Theology and Christian Ministries at Northwest Nazarene University. He has contributed to several books and published articles in Christian Education Journal and Wesleyan Theological Journal. Mark is also an adjunct professor at Asbury Theological, Seminary, Nazarene Theological Seminary, and Nazarene Theological College in Australia.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgmentsp. 7
Introductionp. 11
Defining Faithful Discipleshipp. 17
Why Discipleship from a Wesleyan Perspective?p. 19
The Story of Godp. 27
Discipleship Through the Centuriesp. 40
Wesleyan Theological Foundationsp. 53
Wesley the Educatorp. 68
The Means of Gracep. 83
The Dynamics of Faithful Discipleshipp. 97
Paying Attention to People and Culturep. 99
Developmental Theoryp. 113
Faith Developmentp. 133
Learning Theoriesp. 148
Teaching That Makes a Difference: Curriculum Design and Deliveryp. 164
Designing Faithful Discipleship in the Congregationp. 179
Congregational Formationp. 181
Personal and Congregational Discernmentp. 195
Congregational Transformationp. 208
Practicing Faithful Discipleshipp. 217
Environments of Faithful Discipleshipp. 219
Learning Environmentsp. 220
Congregational Context and Small Groupsp. 235
Developmental Faithful Discipleshipp. 250
Children's Ministryp. 251
Youth Ministryp. 268
Christian Discipleship with Adultsp. 285
Family Ministryp. 301
Shepherding Faithful Discipleshipp. 317
Administering Faithful Discipleshipp. 318
Legal Considerations for Christian Discipleshipp. 334
Educational Leadership in Communityp. 362
Conclusion: Faithful Discipleship: Practice and Becoming a Means of Gracep. 381
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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