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¿Dónde está Ranita?

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2022-05-01
  • Publisher: Editorial Kairos

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¿Qué le pasa a Ranita que hoy no ha aparecido en su charca del bosque? Los animales del lugar están muy preocupados y no comprenden por qué ya no escuchan su canto. Cuando por fin la encuentran, Ranita es toda ella una lamentación; está muy triste. Siente que no es tan bella ni tan fuerte ni tan alegre como la mariposa, la hormiga o el búho. A pesar de ello, sus compañeros le muestran que cada uno posee unas cuali- dades únicas y que debemos aprender a apreciar nuestra propia voz. Un cuento para aceptar las diferencias y aprender a valorar lo que poseemos y a querernos tal como somos.
What has happened to Ranita? She hasn't appeared on her puddle in the forest today. The rest of the animals are concerned and do not understand why they cannot hear her sing. When they finally find her, she appears to be very sad. She feels as if she is not as beautiful or as strong or as happy as the butterfly, ant, or owl. Upon hearing this, her friends show Ranita that everyone has unique qualities and that each of them have to learn to accept and appreciate them for what they are. A story that helps us accept differences and value what is inside of us.

Author Biography

Antonio Adánez es profesor y director de un colegio. Imparte clases de educación emocional y talleres de meditación. Silvia Álvarez es licenciada en Bellas Artes por la Universidad de Sevilla. Ha recibido varios premios internacionales. Ha ilustrado numerosos libros infantiles.
Antonio Adánez is a professor and director of a college. He teaches emotional education classes and meditation workshops. Silvia Álvarez received a Fine Arts degree from the University of Sevilla. She has also received multiple international awards and illustrated countless children's books.  

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