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Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets

  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 12th
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2018-01-10
  • Publisher: Pearson
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For courses in money and banking, or general economics.

A unified framework for understanding financial markets

The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets brings a fresh perspective to today’s major questions surrounding financial policy. Influenced by his term as Governor of the Federal Reserve, Frederic Mishkin offers students a unique viewpoint and informed insight into the monetary policy process, the regulation and supervision of the financial system, and the internationalization of financial markets. The 12th Edition provides a unifying, analytic framework for learning that fits a wide variety of syllabi. Core economic principles and real-world examples organize students' thinking and keeps them motivated. 

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Author Biography

Frederic S. Mishkin is the Alfred Lerner Professor of Banking and Financial Institutions at the Graduate School of Business, Columbia University. He is also a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, co-director of the US Monetary Policy Forum, a member of the Squam Lake Working Group on Financial Reform, and past president of the Eastern Economics Association. Since receiving his PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1976, he has taught at the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, Princeton University, and Columbia. He has also received an honorary professorship from the People’s (Renmin) University of China. From 1994 to 1997, he was Executive Vice President and Director of Research at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and an associate economist of the Federal Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve System. From September 2006 to August 2008, he was a member (governor) of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

Professor Mishkin’s research focuses on monetary policy and its impact on financial markets and the aggregate economy. He is the author of more than twenty books, including Macroeconomics: Policy and Practice, Second Edition (Pearson, 2015); Financial Markets and Institutions, Ninth Edition (Pearson, 2018); Monetary Policy Strategy (MIT Press, 2007); The Next Great Globalization: How Disadvantaged Nations Can Harness Their Financial Systems to Get Rich (Princeton University Press, 2006); Inflation Targeting: Lessons from the International Experience (Princeton University Press, 1999); Money, Interest Rates, and Inflation (Edward Elgar, 1993); and A Rational Expectations Approach to Macroeconometrics: Testing Policy Ineffectiveness and Efficient Markets Models (University of Chicago Press, 1983). In addition, he has published more than 200 articles in such journals as American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, Econometrica, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Finance, and Journal of Monetary Economics.

Professor Mishkin has served on the editorial board of American Economic Review and has been an associate editor at Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, the Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Journal of International Money and Finance, and Journal of Money, Credit and Banking; he also served as the editor of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Economic Policy Review. He is currently an associate editor (member of the editorial board) at six academic journals, including International Finance; Finance India; Review of Development Finance; Borsa Economic Review; PSU Research Review and Emerging Markets, Finance and Trade. He has been a consultant to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, as well as to many central banks throughout the world. He was also a member of the International Advisory Board to the Financial Supervisory Service of South Korea and an advisor to the Institute for Monetary and Economic Research at the Bank of Korea. Professor Mishkin was a Senior Fellow at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s Center for Banking Research and was an academic consultant to and serves on the Economic Advisory Panel and Monetary Advisory Panel of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Table of Contents


1. Why Study Money, Banking, and Financial Markets?

2. An Overview of the Financial System

3. What Is Money?      


4. The Meaning of Interest Rates

5. The Behavior of Interest Rates

6. The Risk and Term Structure of Interest Rates

7. The Stock Market, the Theory of Rational Expectations, and the Efficient Market Hypothesis   


8. An Economic Analysis of Financial Structure

9. Banking and the Management of Financial Institutions

10. Economic Analysis of Financial Regulation

11. Banking Industry: Structure and Competition

12. Financial Crises


13. Central Banks and the Federal Reserve System

14. The Money Supply Process

15. Tools of Monetary Policy

16. The Conduct of Monetary Policy: Strategy and Tactics


17. The Foreign Exchange Market

18. The International Financial System


19. Quantity Theory, Inflation, and the Demand for Money

20. The IS Curve

21. The Monetary Policy and Aggregate Demand Curves

22. Aggregate Demand and Supply Analysis

23. Monetary Policy Theory

24. The Role of Expectations in Monetary Policy

25. Transmission Mechanisms of Monetary Policy


1. Financial Crises in Emerging Market Economies

2. The ISLM Model

3. Nonbank Finance

4. Financial Derivatives

5. Conflicts of Interest in the Financial Services Industry

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