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Eligible For An Upgrade

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2022-08-03
  • Publisher: BookBaby
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It was an ordinary day. I had planned my regular routine, until I realized that my cell phone bill was due. I jumped out of bed, got dressed and hurried to the store to pay it. When I got there, to my amazement, I learned that I was eligible for an upgrade. I wasn't expecting that at all; I mean, I thought for sure that I had recently allowed one of my kids to talk me into letting them use my upgrade. I argued back and forth with the representative, until he finally got tired and offered to show me on the screen. that I was eligible. Soon, I realized that he was absolutely right, and I accepted the fact that I was indeed eligible for this upgrade. Although I did not receive an upgrade on my cell phone that day, as I began to leave, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and declared that I was also eligible for an upgrade in the Spirit. I could hardly contain myself. Just like I didn't think I was eligible for a new phone, I didn't feel worthy or eligible in the Spirit. Despite my shortcomings, despite getting in a hurry to sometimes do the opposite of what God tells me to do, God still offered me an upgrade. Without a doubt, I believe this book will change the lives of all who read it. Both the chapters and content were given to me by the Holy Spirit, and my prayer is that whatever state you may find yourself in, know that you too can open up your text and learn that you are eligible for an upgrade as well.,

Author Biography

Darlene Caffey was born on July 6th, 1962, in Mobile, Alabama, to the late Elder and Mrs. Sanders Edwards, Jr. Darlene recognized her knack for writing at an early age, when her teacher promised a popsicle to the student who wrote the best essay in class. Determined to win a popsicle that day, Darlene sat quietly in a corner and began to write away. When it was time to announce the winner, she was excited to learn that she had won. She continued to write poetry after that, and after high school, she enrolled at Alabama State University, Montgomery, Ala., where she majored in Journalism. Upon graduation, she continued to write both prose and poetry. For the past 27 years, she has taught English both near and abroad. In 2014, her colleagues recognized her talent and ability to change the lives of her students and rewarded her by selecting her as Teacher of the Year. Years later, she would be nominated for an NAACP award for her outstanding work in her profession. A 5 time published author, Darlene holds a Master's Degree in Middle School Education. She is also Gifted Certified. Darlene has appeared on several radio ad talk shows to promote her works. She continues to use her talents to encourage her students to never give up on their dreams. Darlene is also a wife, mother, Elder, and Director of Education for her church.

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