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The Emotional Lives of Animals A Leading Scientist Explores Animal Joy, Sorrow, and Empathy ? and Why They Matter

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2008-05-28
  • Publisher: New World Library

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Biologist Marc Bekoff is one of the world's foremost experts on animal emotions. After years of fieldwork studying the communication patterns of coyotes and domestic dogs, Bekoff began challenging the scientific status quo that argued that no scientific proof existed that animals even have emotions, an argument that stubbornly persists today. In The Emotional Lives of Animals, Bekoff moves beyond this academic argument to address what every animal lover and pet owner knows from everyday observation: that animals have rich emotional lives that not only can teach us about love, empathy and compassion but that require us to alter radically our current relationship of domination and abuse with them. Here Bekoff skillfully blends extraordinary stories and anecdotes of animal grief, joy, embarrassment, anger and love with the latest scientific research confirming emotions that simple, commonsense observation has long pointed to. Filled with Bekoff's light humour and touching stories from animals around the world, The Emotional Lives of Animals will cause readers to reassess both how they view animals and how they treat them.

Author Biography

Marc Bekoff is professor emeritus of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder

Table of Contents

Forewordp. xi
Preface: The Gift of Animal Emotionsp. xvii
Acknowledgmentsp. xxiii
The Case for Animal Emotions and Why They Matterp. 1
Cognitive Ethology: Studying Animal Minds and Heartsp. 29
Beastly Passions: What Animals Feelp. 43
Wild Justice, Empathy, and Fair Play: Finding Honor among Beastsp. 85
Hard Questions: Answering Skeptics and Addressing Uncertainty in Sciencep. 111
Ethical Choices: What We Do with What We Knowp. 133
Endnotesp. 167
Bibliographyp. 193
Indexp. 203
About the Authorp. 213
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