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Energy Resources: From Science to Society

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2018-02-16
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press

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The global energy system and its future are central to understanding many of the key challenges faced by society today-from climate change to rising prices for commodities and Western interest instability in the Middle East. Unfortunately, today's students are not well prepared to address these issues at their source. Few texts provide a broad overview of the science and policy challenges associated with the extensive array of energy resources that make up the current global energy system.

Energy Resources takes a holistic approach to energy that covers both the science and social-science issues of today's global energy system. It simplifies the scientific background of the resources, describing each step-from formation to transmission-to make the science accessible to students. Each resource is discussed in both the US and global contexts in order to analyze its impact on the environment, economy, society, and politics.

Author Biography

Wesley Reisser is Professor of Geography at George Washington University. He is also a member of the US Department of State's Civil Service and serves as a Councilor of the American Geographical Society.

Colin Reisser is an expert on climate and energy issues. He has professional experience in the American and international oil and gas industry and an academic background in energy and climate issues, especially in the Arctic.

Table of Contents

PART 1. Introduction to Energy

1. Introduction - What Is Energy?
Overview of Energy Basics
Measuring Energy
Current Energy Sources
Electrical Energy
Energy Efficiency
Energy Storage

2. The Energy Basket
Energy Sources and Trade
World Primary Energy Consumption
Vignette: The Industrial Revolution & the Change to an Energy Intensive Economy
The Energy Basket of the United States
History of Energy Consumption in the United States

PART 2. Energy Resources

3. Coal
Coal Formation
Coal Mining
Coal Combustion and Electrical Generation
Worldwide Coal Production and Consumption
Vignette: The Human Costs of Coal Mining in China
U.S. Coal Production and Consumption
Vignette: Mountaintop Mining in the Appalachians
Impacts of Coal Use
Mitigating the Impacts of Coal Use

4. Oil
Origins and Geology of Petroleum
Refining and Uses of Oil
Finding and Producing Petroleum
Unconventional Sources of Petroleum
World Oil Production and Consumption
U.S. Oil Production and Consumption
Vignette: Canada's Tar Sands
Beyond Peak Oil
Impacts of Oil Production and Consumption
Vignette: Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

5. Natural Gas
Origins and Geology of Natural Gas
Uses of Natural Gas
Finding and Producing Natural Gas
Vignette: The Hydraulic Fracturing Controversy
Worldwide Natural Gas Production & Consumption
Vignette: Pipeline Politics in Russia and Europe
U.S. Gas Production & Consumption
Methane Hydrates
Impacts of Natural Gas Production & Consumption

6. Nuclear Power
Radioactivity & Nuclear Fission
Uranium Mining and the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Thermal Fission Reactors and Breeder Reactors
Worldwide Nuclear Power Production
U.S. Nuclear Power Production
Vignette: Mining Uranium in Niger
Meltdowns and Other Nuclear Threats
Vignette: The Chernobyl and Fukushima Disasters
Nuclear Waste
Vignette: The Yucca Mountain Debate
Costs of Nuclear Versus Other Forms of Energy

7. Hydropower
The Water Cycle
Hydroelectric Dams
Small Scale Hydropower
Worldwide Hydropower Production
Vignette: China's Three Gorges Dam
U.S. Hydropower Production
Environmental Considerations
Vignette: The Aswan High Dam's Archeological Devastation
Impacts on People & Society
Vignette: Glen Canyon Dam and the Future of American Hydropower
Tidal and Wave Power

8. Wind Power
The Wind
Wind Turbines
Worldwide Wind Power Generation
Vignette: Birds and Wind Power
U.S. Wind Power Generation
Environmental & Political Impacts
Vignette: Offshore Wind Debates

9. Solar Power
Basics of Solar Energy
Solar Heating
Solar Thermal Engines & Electricity
Worldwide Solar Generation
Vignette: Germany's Solar Revolution
U.S. Solar Production
Environmental Impacts
Vignette: Large Scale Solar in the Mojave Desert

10. Biofuels
Bioenergy Past and Present
Transportation Biofuels
Biofuels from Waste
Vignette: Algae as an Energy Resource
Worldwide Biofuel Production
Vignette: Palm Oil for Biodiesel in Indonesia
U.S. Biofuel Production
Environmental Benefits and Impacts
Vignette: Food or Fuel?

11. Geothermal Power
Geothermal Overview
Geothermal Technologies
Environmental Impacts
Geothermal Use Worldwide
U.S. Geothermal Use
Vignette: Geothermal in Iceland

12. Fusion & Future Technologies
Vignette: The National Ignition Facility
Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Power
Other Proposed Energy Sources

Part 3. Cross-Cutting Energy Issues

13. Transportation
Cars & Trucks
Vignette: Electric Vehicles When the Electricity Comes from Fossil Fuels
Technological Advances in Transport

14. Air & Water Pollution
Air Pollution
Water Pollution

15. Climate Change
Greenhouse Gases & the Greenhouse Effect
The Climate as a Total System
Human Emissions from Industrialization to the Present
Impacts of a Changing Climate
Towards a Solution

16. Geopolitical Challenges
Oil Geopolitics
Pipelines & Natural Gas Geopolitics
Nuclear Proliferation
Water Wars

17. The Future of Energy
Energy Switching
Unpredictability as to Our Energy Future


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