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Engineering Applications Analytical and Numerical Calculation with MATLAB

by ;
  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: 1st
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Copyright: 2021-03-08
  • Publisher: Wiley
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A comprehensive text on the fundamental principles of mechanical engineering

Engineering Applications presents the fundamental principles and applications of the statics and mechanics of materials in complex mechanical systems design. Using MATLAB to help solve problems with numerical and analytical calculations, authors and noted experts on the topic Mihai Dupac and Dan B. Marghitu offer an understanding of the static behaviour of engineering structures and components while considering the mechanics of materials knowledge as the most important part of their design.

The authors explore the concepts, derivations, and interpretations of general principles and discuss the creation of mathematical models and the formulation of mathematical equations. This practical text also highlights the solutions of problems solved analytically and numerically using MATLAB. The figures generated with MATLAB reinforce visual learning for students and professionals as they study the programs. This important text:

  • Shows how mechanical principles are applied to engineering design
  • Covers basic material with both mathematical and physical insight
  • Provides an understanding of classical mechanical principles
  • Offers problem solutions using MATLAB
  • Reinforces learning using visual and computational techniques
  • Written for students and professional mechanical engineers, Engineering Applications helpshone reasoning skills in order to interpret data and generate mathematical equations, offering different methods of solving them for evaluating and designing engineering systems.

    Author Biography

    Mihai Dupac, PhD is a Senior Lecturer in Engineering Design at Bournemouth University, UK. He serves as the principal investigator and/or co-investigator for several research projects related to biomechanics and engineering design.

    Dan B. Marghitu, PhD is a Professor at Auburn University and the Director of the Impact Dynamics Laboratory, which focuses on the investigation of relevant problems associated with impact dynamics, friction, and locomotion.

    Table of Contents

    1 Forces 1

    1.1 Terminology and Notation 1

    1.2 Resolution of Forces 2

    1.3 Angle Between Two Forces 4

    1.4 Force Vector 5

    1.5 Scalar (Dot) Product of two Forces 5

    1.6 Cross Product of two Forces 6

    1.7 Examples 6

    2 Moments and Couples 15

    2.1 Types of Moments 16

    2.2 Moment of a Force About a Point 16

    2.3 Moment of a Force about a Line 19

    2.4 Couples 21

    2.5 Examples 23

    3 Equilibrium of Structures 59

    3.1 Equilibrium Equations 60

    3.2 Supports 61

    3.3 Free-Body Diagrams 63

    3.4 Two-Force and Three-Force Members 65

    3.5 Plane Trusses 65

    3.6 Analysis of Simple Trusses 67

    3.6.1 Method of Joints 68

    3.6.2 Method of Sections 70

    3.7 Examples 73

    4 Centroids and Moments of Inertia 137

    4.1 Center of the Mass and Centroid 137

    4.2 Centroid and center of the mass of a solid region, surface or curve 138

    4.3 Method of decomposition 141

    4.4 First moment of an area 142

    4.5 The Center of Gravity 143

    4.6 Examples 144

    5 Stress, Strain and deflection 195

    5.1 Stress 195

    5.2 Elastic Strain 195

    5.3 Shear and Moment 196

    5.4 Deflections of Beams 199

    5.5 Examples 203

    6 Friction 223

    6.1 Coefficient of Static Friction 224

    6.2 Coefficient of Kinetic Friction 225

    6.3 Friction Models 226

    6.3.1 Coulomb friction model 226

    6.3.2 Coulomb model with viscous friction 228

    6.3.3 Coulomb model with stiction 229

    6.4 Angle of Friction 230

    6.5 Examples 232

    7 Work, Energy and Power 269

    7.1 Work 270

    7.2 Kinetic Energy 271

    7.3 Work and Power 272

    7.4 Conservative Forces 274

    7.5 Work Done by the Gravitational Force 274

    7.6 Work Done by the Friction Force 275

    7.7 Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy 275

    7.8 Work Done and Potential Energy of an Elastic Force 276

    7.9 Potential energy due to the gravitational force 277

    7.9.1 Potential energy due to the gravitational force for a particle 277

    7.9.2 Potential energy due to the gravitational force for a rigid body 278

    7.10 Examples 279

    8 Simple Machines 315

    8.1 Load and Effort, Mechanical Advantage, Velocity Ratio and Efficiency of a

    Simple Machine 315

    8.2 Effort and Load of an Ideal Machine 317

    8.3 The Lever 318

    8.4 Inclined Plane (Wedge) 319

    8.5 Screws 320

    8.6 Simple Screwjack 321

    8.7 Differential Screwjack 324

    8.8 Pulleys 324

    8.9 Differential Pulley 329

    8.10 Wheel and Axle 329

    8.11 Wheel and Differential Axle 331

    8.12 Examples 334

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