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What is included with this book?
Introduction | |
Engineering and Mechanics | |
Learning Mechanics | |
Fundamental Concepts | |
Units | |
Newtonian Gravitation | |
Vectors | |
Vector Operations and Definitions | |
Scalars and Vectors | |
Rules for Manipulating Vectors | |
Cartesian Components | |
Components in Two Dimensions | |
Components in Three Dimensions | |
Products of Vectors | |
Dot Products | |
Cross Products | |
Mixed Triple Products | |
Forces | |
Types of Forces | |
Equilibrium and Free-Body Diagrams | |
Two-Dimensional Force Systems | |
Three-Dimensional Force Systems | |
Systems of Forces and Moments | |
Two-Dimensional Description of the Moment | |
The Moment Vector | |
Moment of a Force About a Line | |
Couples | |
Equivalent Systems | |
Representing Systems by Equivalent Systems | |
Objects in Equilibrium | |
The Equilibrium Equations | |
Two-Dimensional Applications | |
Statically Indeterminate Objects | |
Three-Dimensional Applications | |
Two-Force and Three-Force | |
Structures in Equilibrium | |
Trusses | |
The Method of Joints | |
The Method of Sections | |
Space Trusses | |
Frames and Machines | |
Centroids and Centers of Mass 316 | |
Centroids | |
Centroids of Areas | |
Centroids of Composite Areas | |
Distributed Loads | |
Centroids of Volumes and Lines | |
The Pappus-Guldinus Theorems | |
Centers of Mass | |
Definition of the Center of Mass | |
Centers of Mass of Objects | |
Centers of Mass of Composite Objects | |
Moments of Inertia | |
Areas | |
Definitions | |
Parallel-Axis Theorems | |
Rotated and Principal Axes | |
Masses | |
Simple Objects | |
Parallel-Axis Theorem | |
Friction | |
Theory of Dry Friction | |
Applications | |
Internal Forces and Moments | |
Beams | |
Axial Force, Shear Force, and Bending Moment | |
Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams | |
Relations Between Distributed Load, Shear Force, and Bending Moment | |
Cables | |
Loads Distributed Uniformly Along Straight Lines | |
Loads Distributed Uniformly Along Cables | |
Discrete Loads | |
Liquids and Gasses | |
Pressure and the Center of Pressure | |
Pressure in a Stationary Liquid | |
Virtual Work and Potential Energy | |
Virtual Work | |
Potential Energy | |
Review of Mathematics | |
Algebra | |
Trigonometry | |
Derivatives | |
Integrals | |
Taylor Series | |
Vector Analysis | |
Properties of Areas and Lines | |
Areas | |
Lines | |
Properties of Volumes and Homogeneous Objects | |
Answers to Even-Numbered Problems | |
Index | |
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved. |
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