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Escape Velocity : Cyberculture at the End of the Century

  • ISBN13:


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  • Format: Trade Paper
  • Copyright: 1997-08-05
  • Publisher: Grove Press
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Taking readers on an unforgettable journey into the dark heart of the Information Age, cultural critic Mark Dery introduces them to a wide array of characters on the fringe of computer culture--underground robotocists, cybersex enthusiasts, virtual-reality designers and would-be cyborgs.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Escape Velocityp. 1
Turn On, Boot Up, Jack In: Cyberdeliap. 19
Metal Machine Music: Cyberpunk Meets the Black Leather Synth-Rockersp. 73
Waging a Tinkerer's War: Mechanical Spectaclep. 109
Ritual Mechanics: Cybernetic Body Artp. 151
RoboCopulation: Sex Times Technology Equals the Futurep. 181
Cyborging the Body Politic: Obsolete Bodies and Posthuman Beingsp. 227
A Comment on Sourcesp. 321
Notesp. 323
Indexp. 361
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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