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The Essential Rumi

  • ISBN13:


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  • Edition: Reprint
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2010-04-26
  • Publisher: HarperCollins Publications

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The best selling Rumi book ever is now better than ever! This revised and expanded edition of the comprehensive one volume edition of America's most popular poet includes a new introduction by Coleman Barks, and 57 new poems never published before.

The ecstatic, spiritual poetry of Rumi is more popular than ever, and The Essential Rumi continues to be far and away the top selling title of all Rumi books. With the addition of many new poems and a new introduction, The Essential Rumi is now clearly the definitive and most delightful selection of Rumi's poetry.

"If Rumi is the most read poet in America today, Coleman Barks is in good part responsible. His ear for the truly divine madness in Rumi's poetry is truly remarkable." - Huston Smith, author of The World's Religions

"Perhaps the world's greatest spiritual poet the gold of Rumipours down through Coleman's words. The words leap off thepage and dance!" - Jack Kornfield, author of A Path with Heart

"Perhaps the world's greatest spiritual poet the gold of Rumi pours down through Coleman's words. The words leap off the page and dance!" - Jack Kornfield, author of A Path with Heart

"The Essential Rumi is a rare and precious book that will stir the hearts of Rumi devotees and win many new converts." - Body Mind Spirit

Author Biography

Coleman Barks has published several books of Rumi's writing and is widely regarded as the premier English interpreter of Rumi. He teaches poetry at the University of Georgia.

Table of Contents

On Rumip. xi
A Note on the Organization of This Bookp. xv
The Tavern: Whoever Brought Me Here Will Have to Take Me Home
On The Tavernp. 1
Who Says Words with My Mouth?p. 2
We have a huge barrel of winep. 2
A Community of the Spiritp. 3
There's a strange frenzy in my headp. 4
Drunks fear the policep. 4
A Children's Gamep. 4
Gone, inner and outerp. 5
The wine we really drinkp. 6
The Many Winesp. 6
Special Platesp. 7
Burnt Kabobp. 7
The New Rulep. 8
This that is tormentedp. 8
Bewilderment: I Have Five Things to Say
On Bewildermentp. 9
I Have Five Things to Sayp. 9
Acts of Helplessnessp. 11
Saladin's Begging Bowlp. 12
Late, by myselfp. 12
Does sunset sometimes lookp. 13
Be Melting Snowp. 13
The Fragile Vialp. 14
Where Are We?p. 15
The Friend comes into my bodyp. 16
There is a light seed grainp. 16
Do you think I knowp. 16
Emptiness and Silence: The Night Air
On Silencep. 17
The Reed Flute's Songp. 17
A Thirsty Fishp. 19
Enough Words?p. 20
This World Which Is Made of Our Love for Emptinessp. 21
Quietnessp. 22
Sanaip. 22
A Just-Finishing Candlep. 23
Craftsmanship and Emptinessp. 24
Emptinessp. 26
When you are with everyone but mep. 28
No Flagp. 28
The Food Sackp. 29
The Night Airp. 30
Only Breathp. 32
There is a way between voicep. 32
Spring Giddiness: Stand in the Wake of This Chattering and Grow Airy
On Spring Giddinessp. 33
Springp. 33
Where Everything Is Musicp. 34
A Great Wagonp. 35
Today, like every other dayp. 36
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoingp. 36
The breeze at dawnp. 36
I would love to kiss youp. 37
Daylight, full of small dancing particlesp. 37
They try to say what you arep. 37
Come to the orchard in Springp. 37
Spring Is Christp. 37
Shreds of Steamp. 38
The Steambathp. 39
The Ground Cries Outp. 39
Unfold Your Own Mythp. 40
Not a Day on Any Calendarp. 41
Flutes for Dancingp. 42
The Shape of My Thonguep. 42
The Grassesp. 43
The Sheikh Who Played with Childrenp. 44
Let the lover be disgracefulp. 46
All day and night, musicp. 46
Feeling Separation: Don't Come Near Me
On Separationp. 47
Sometimes I Forget Completelyp. 47
A Man and a Woman Arguingp. 47
A night full of talking that hurtsp. 50
An Empty Garlicp. 50
The Diver's Clothes Lying Emptyp. 51
Red Shirtp. 51
My Worst Habitp. 52
Don't let your throat tightenp. 52
Dissolver of Sugarp. 53
Pale sunlightp. 53
Controlling the Desire-Body: How Did You Kill Your Rooster, Husam?
On The Desire-Bodyp. 54
Sexual Urgency, What a Woman's Laughter Can Do, and the Nature of True Virilityp. 55
Tattooing in Qazwinp. 61
The Center of the Firep. 63
Someone who goes with half a loafp. 64
The mystery does not get clearerp. 64
Muhammad and the Huge Eaterp. 64
Fastingp. 69
Bismillahp. 70
Wean Yourselfp. 70
After the Meditationp. 71
The Dog in the Doorwayp. 73
The light you give offp. 74
Tending Two Shopsp. 74
Think that you're gliding outp. 75
Sohbet: Meetings on the Riverbank
On Sohbetp. 76
Talking in the Nightp. 77
Talking Through the Doorp. 78
A Mouse and a Frogp. 79
The Long Stringp. 80
The Force of Friendshipp. 84
The Vigilp. 85
Two Friendsp. 87
The Servant Who Loved His Prayersp. 89
Imra'u 'l-Qaysp. 90
All Rivers at Oncep. 92
The Blocked Roadp. 93
A Babbling Childp. 93
Who sees inside from outside?p. 94
Constant Conversationp. 94
Bonfire at Midnightp. 95
In Between Storiesp. 95
The Questionp. 97
The Musicp. 98
I saw you last night in the gatheringp. 98
The Tentp. 98
Friend, our closeness is thisp. 99
Listen to presencesp. 99
Being a Lover: The Sunrise Ruby
On Being A Loverp. 100
The Sunrise Rubyp. 100
Water from Your Springp. 101
You Sweep the Floorp. 102
Each Notep. 102
Granite and Wineglassp. 103
Buoyancyp. 104
Music Masterp. 105
When I am with youp. 106
The minute I heard my first love storyp. 106
We are the mirror as well as the facep. 106
I want to hold you closep. 107
Someone Digging in the Groundp. 107
The Phrasing Must Changep. 108
The Guest Housep. 109
The Pickaxe: Getting to the Treasure Beneath the Foundation
On The Pickaxep. 110
Who Makes These Changes?p. 110
Why Wine Is Forbiddenp. 111
On Resurrection Dayp. 111
The Dream That Must Be Interpretedp. 112
The Pickaxep. 113
Zikrp. 114
The Core of Masculinityp. 115
I honor those who tryp. 116
Dervish at the Doorp. 116
Art as Flirtation with Surrender: Wanting New Silk Harp Strings
On Flirtationp. 118
Omar and the Old Poetp. 118
An Egypt That Doesn't Existp. 120
Chinese Art and Greek Artp. 121
In your light I learnp. 122
Drumsound rises on the airp. 122
Are you jealous of the ocean's generosity?p. 123
Union: Gnats Inside the Wind
On Unionp. 124
Gnats Inside the Windp. 124
Meadowsoundsp. 125
Ayaz and the King's Pearlp. 126
Put This Design in Your Carpetp. 128
Hallajp. 129
We Threep. 130
I am filled with youp. 131
The Sheikh: I Have Such a Teacher
On The Sheikhp. 132
Chickpea to Cookp. 132
I Have Such a Teacherp. 133
Sublime Generosityp. 134
Like Thisp. 135
A Bowlp. 137
Waxp. 138
No Room for Formp. 138
Childhood Friendsp. 139
The Mouse and the Camelp. 142
These gifts from the Friendp. 144
The Lame Goatp. 144
Recognizing Elegance: Your Reasonable Father
On Elegancep. 145
Father Reasonp. 145
A craftsman pulled a reedp. 146
Humble living does not diminishp. 146
New Moon, Hilalp. 147
Body Intelligencep. 151
The Seed Marketp. 153
The Howling Necessity: Cry Out in Your Weakness
On Howlingp. 155
Love Dogsp. 155
Cry Out in Your Weaknessp. 156
The Debtor Sheikhp. 157
You that come to birthp. 160
Teaching Stories: How the Unseen World Works
On The Unseenp. 161
Nasuhp. 161
Moses and the Shepherdp. 165
Joy at Sudden Disappointmentp. 168
If the beloved is everywherep. 171
Story Waterp. 171
Rough Metaphors: More Teaching Stories
On Roughnessp. 173
Rough Metaphorsp. 173
Birdwingsp. 174
I Come Before Dawnp. 175
Checkmatep. 175
An Awkward Comparisonp. 177
Two Kinds of Intelligencep. 178
Two Ways of Runningp. 178
The Importance of Gourdcraftingp. 181
Breadmakingp. 183
Solomon Poems: The Far Mosque
On Solomonp. 186
Sheba's Gifts to Solomonp. 186
Solomon to Shebap. 188
Sheba's Hesitationp. 188
Sheba's Thronep. 189
Solomon's Crooked Crownp. 190
The Far Mosquep. 191
A bird delegation came to Solomonp. 192
The Three Fish: Gamble Everything for Love
On Gamblingp. 193
If you want what visible realityp. 193
Gamble everythingp. 193
In a boat down a fast-running creekp. 194
The Three Fishp. 194
Send the Chaperones Awayp. 198
When I remember your lovep. 199
All our lives we've lookedp. 199
The Gift of Waterp. 199
Jesus Poems: The Population of the World
On Jesusp. 201
I called through your doorp. 201
Jesus on the Lean Donkeyp. 202
What Jesus Runs Away Fromp. 204
Christ is the populationp. 204
There's Nothing Aheadp. 205
In Baghdad, Dreaming of Cairo: More Teaching Stories
On Baghdadp. 206
In Baghdad, Dreaming of Cairo: In Cairo, Dreaming of Baghdadp. 206
Dying, Laughingp. 212
Human Honestyp. 213
Dalqak's Messagep. 214
The Cat and the Meatp. 216
Sheikh Kharraqani and His Wretched Wifep. 217
The Snake-Catcher and the Frozen Snakep. 220
Polishing the Mirrorp. 222
Ali in Battlep. 223
Beginning and End: The Stories That Frame the Mathnawi
On The Framep. 225
The King and the Handmaiden and the Doctorp. 225
The Three Brothers and the Chinese Princessp. 233
Green Ears Everywhere: Children Running Through
On Children Running Throughp. 238
I used to be shyp. 238
Green Earsp. 239
Birdsong brings reliefp. 243
The way of love is notp. 243
Let your throat-songp. 244
I have phrases and whole pagesp. 244
You've so distracted mep. 244
I'm Not Saying This Rightp. 244
The Least Figurep. 245
I reach for a piece of woodp. 245
Being Woven: Communal Practice
On Being Wovenp. 246
Of Being Wovenp. 246
The Waterwheelp. 247
The Granary Floorp. 248
A Song About a Donkeyp. 250
Elephant in the Darkp. 252
Wished-For Song: Secret Practices
On Secrecyp. 253
A Wished-For Songp. 253
A Basket of Fresh Breadp. 254
When We Pray Alonep. 256
One Who Wraps Himselfp. 257
Deliberationp. 258
The Private Banquetp. 259
We are the night oceanp. 260
Which is worth more, a crowdp. 260
Majesty: This We Have Now
On Majestyp. 261
This We Have Nowp. 261
The Visions of Daquqip. 262
The Worm's Wakingp. 265
The Freshnessp. 266
Judge a Moth by the Beauty of Its Candlep. 266
The morning wind spreadsp. 267
Slave, be awarep. 267
Evolutionary Intelligence: Say I Am You
On Evolvingp. 268
A Dove in the Eavesp. 268
We have this way of talkingp. 270
This piece of foodp. 270
In the slaughterhouse of lovep. 270
The Witness, the Darlingp. 270
In the Arc of Your Malletp. 271
Unmarked Boxesp. 272
The Milk of Millenniap. 273
The You Pronounp. 273
Birdsong from Inside the Eggp. 274
Say I Am Youp. 275
The Turn: Dance in Your Blood
On The Turnp. 277
Inside water, a waterwheelp. 278
You have said what you arep. 278
A secret turning in usp. 278
This moment this love comes to restp. 278
Keep walking, though there's no placep. 278
Walk to the wellp. 279
I circle your nestp. 279
No better love than lovep. 279
Some nights stay upp. 279
I am so smallp. 279
When you feel your lipsp. 280
The sun is lovep. 280
Something opens our wingsp. 280
Held like thisp. 280
I stand up, and this one of mep. 280
I have lived on the lipp. 281
Real value comes with madnessp. 281
Dance, when you're broken openp. 281
Notesp. 283
A Note on These Translations and a Few Recipesp. 290
Referencesp. 297
Table of Contents provided by Syndetics. All Rights Reserved.

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