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Essentials of Treatment Planning

  • ISBN13:


  • ISBN10:


  • Edition: 2nd
  • Format: Paperback
  • Copyright: 2019-11-26
  • Publisher: Wiley
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Essentials of Treatment Planning, Second Edition is an updated and easy-to-use guide to the development and use of treatment plans for behavioral health care patients. The book incorporates current research and developments in treatment planning that have occurred since the publication of the first edition.  Designed as a nuts-and-bolts guide, the book covers essential material such as the role and benefits of treatment planning in a clinical setting, approaches for conducting comprehensive patient assessments, the use of assessment information to develop individual treatment plans, and strategies for ongoing evaluations and revisions of treatment plans.

Essentials of Treatment Planning, Second Edition explores how to develop and use treatment plans to strengthen the entire treatment process. An important component in documentation, accurate treatment plans provide myriad benefits, including: meeting the accountability criteria of insurers and behavioral health care organizations, enhancing efficient coordination of care with other health care professionals, and facilitating better communication with outside reviewers. In addition, behavioral health professionals—psychologists, psychiatrists, clinical social workers, mental health and substance use counselors, and others—may gain the added security of protection from certain types of litigation.

As part of the Essentials of Mental Health Practice series, the second edition of Essentials of Treatment Planning contains the information busy behavioral health professionals need to practice knowledgeably, efficiently, and ethically in today's behavioral health care environment. Each chapter features numerous callout boxes highlighting key concepts, bulleted points, and extensive illustrative material, as well as "Test Yourself" questions that help gauge and reinforce your grasp of the information covered.

Author Biography

MARK E. MARUISH is President of Southcross Consulting, Burnsville, MN, which offers consultation to the health care industry in the design and implementation of instrumentation and systems for measuring and improving the outcomes of behavioral health care interventions. He has written and edited numerous journal articles, book chapters, and books on clinical interviewing and the use of psychological testing for treatment planning and outcomes assessment. Also, Dr. Maruish has served as a Consulting Editor for both the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology and the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments xi

One: Introduction 1

Two: Patient Assessment 21

Three: Contributions of Psychological Testing to Clinical Assessment and Treatment Planning 75

Four: Case Formulation 107

Five: Developing a Treatment Plan 131

Six: Monitoring Treatment Progress: Implications for Treatment Planning 191

References 227

Annotated Bibliography 249

About the Author 253

Subject Index 255

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